Woodbridge Publishers Review – Right For Your Book?

Posted on Nov 1, 2023

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In a literary landscape marked by diversity and choice, writers often find themselves faced with a multitude of publishing options. 

One such choice is Woodbridge Publishers, a company that offers services in the space of book publishing and distribution. In an age where writers have unprecedented control over their publishing destinies, the decision to align with a particular publisher or publishing service is a crucial one. 

This review will aim to provide an impartial evaluation of Woodbridge Publishers, emphasizing the importance of diligence in making publishing decisions, as writers navigate their path through a rapidly evolving and multifaceted industry. 

With an increasing number of choices at their disposal, authors must exercise prudence and discernment to select the publishing route that best aligns with their unique goals and needs.

What is Woodbridge Publishers?

Founded in 2016, with offices in both the UK and America, Woodbridge Publishers has to date published upwards of six and a half thousand books.

It was founded upon the premise that writers would benefit from having a one stop solution for all their needs including writing, editing, printing, publishing, distribution, and marketing. 

They also state that they only work on concepts that they genuinely believe in to ensure that they are always invested in the projects and have the customers’ best interests in mind.

What are the advantages of working with Woodbridge Publishers?

Their website lists a number of advantages that customers can expect when working with Woodbridge Publishers, which we have quoted directly below.

Design Excellence – Each book design professional on our team adheres to industry design requirements

Concierge Service – You may deal with a single, dedicated representative who will oversee every aspect of your book’s development and get to know it thoroughly and out

Opportunity for Discovery – We work with you to increase the likelihood that your book will pique the curiosity of readers, retailers, agents, and other publishers. For prospective purchase by Top 5 Publishers, chosen works produced by Woodbridge Publishers are assessed by a board made up of our painstakingly selected editors. Based on sales patterns and manuscript quality, the editors analyze the books before recommending them to publishers. All purchase choices are made solely at the discretion of the publishers; however, they do take the board’s suggestions into account.

Specialist Packages – Choose from specialty packages for general fiction and nonfiction, business, and children’s books to reach and engage your book’s target audience.

Unique Services – They provide some one-of-a-kind services to aid in the discovery of you and your book.

What services do Woodbridge Publishers offer?

Their services can broadly speaking be separated into six distinct categories.

Writing – At Woodbridge, they help you to work on a book idea that you have always had and being able to see it through to fruition. When writing a book, it’s important to know what genre your book belongs to. Woodbridge Publishers has writers for all genres. From memoir and biography to fiction and history, they have written books for all. With Woodbridge, you will get a  dedicated writing coach who will assist in getting your book completed by guiding you through the book writing and publishing process. The team is not just composed of writers and publishers, they also say they know how to meet deadlines and deliver as promised. When you partner with Woodbridge for your book’s writing, marketing or publishing needs, you automatically get to enjoy a streamlined process.

Editing – Editing services include manuscript critique, developmental editing, line editing, proofreading, and all encompassing edits. Also available is literary translation and beta reader testing. 

Design – Custom layout and book design. Typesetting, logo marks, and icons. Full book interiors. Bespoke book illustrations.

Publishing – Assistance with all steps of the process including editing, self publishing packages, printing, and selling via distribution to both in person bookstores and eBooks online.

Marketing – Utilization of Woodbridge’s author network. Advertising and marketing services. PR. Branding, logos and design work. Social media input. Website design and development. Author headshots and photography. SEO and content marketing. Book trailers and podcasts. Speaking and events. Book translation to film and TV.

Audiobooks – They help debut and seasonal published authors reach a global audiobook market fast and their distribution network aims to open up a consistent sales ecosystem.

Woodbridge Publishers Pricing

Unfortunately and rather disappointingly, there is no information regarding specific pricing for their services on their website. This feels like an unnecessary barrier for writers to understand what financial input is to be expected of them and may result in time wasted enquiring.

An independent internet search does reveal that they are indeed a hybrid publisher and charge for their services so there will certainly be some financial commitment from any writers wishing to work with them.

What are the alternatives to Woodbridge Publishers?

When considering alternatives to using a hybrid publishing company like Woodbridge Publishers, writers have several viable options to explore. Writers need to weigh these alternatives based on their individual goals, preferences and the type of work they aim to publish. Here are some key alternative avenues.

Traditional Publishing: This route involves submitting manuscripts to literary agents or directly to traditional publishing houses. While it can be competitive and challenging to secure a deal, it provides access to established distribution networks and editorial support.

Self-Publishing: Self-publishing with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or IngramSpark empower authors to publish and distribute their work independently. This approach offers full creative control and higher royalties but requires authors to manage all aspects of publishing.

Literary Magazines and Journals: Writers may opt to submit shorter works, such as short stories or poetry, to literary magazines and journals. This allows them to gain exposure, build a readership, and hone their craft.

Small Independent Presses: Some independent presses specialize in specific genres or niches. Authors can explore these smaller publishers for more personalized attention and potentially better contractual terms.

Freelance Editing and Design Services: Authors who prefer to retain full control over their work might hire freelance editors and book designers to assist in the self-publishing process.

Crowdfunding: Platforms like Kickstarter can help authors secure funding for their projects, allowing them to publish without the constraints of traditional publishing models.

Writers should carefully evaluate their writing goals, resources, and preferences when selecting the most suitable publishing route. Each of these alternatives comes with its own advantages and disadvantages, making it essential for authors to make informed choices tailored to their unique needs.

Woodbridge Publishers Review – Final Thoughts

In the vast landscape of publishing options available to authors, Woodbridge Publishers emerges as one among many. As this review draws to a close, it is essential to acknowledge that, while Woodbridge offers certain services that may be beneficial to some writers, their lack of transparency regarding pricing and the fine details of their operations raises concerns. Authors, particularly those who may be more self sufficient, should consider the viability of self publishing in a rapidly evolving industry.

Self publishing, with the plethora of available tools, platforms and resources, has become an increasingly viable and empowering option. Authors now possess the capacity to take the reins of their publishing journey and can choose from a variety of services to meet their specific needs. The decision to work with a hybrid publisher or explore self publishing should be guided by individual goals, resources, and the nature of the work in question.

Woodbridge Publishers and similar companies may find their niche among authors seeking professional assistance, but the evolving landscape of self publishing reminds us that, in today’s digital age, authors have more options and autonomy than ever before. The key is for authors to make informed choices, carefully considering their unique needs and finances.

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