11 Fantasy Subgenres To Inspire Your Writing

Posted on Jul 13, 2023

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Fantasy fiction has always been a place where imagination knows no bounds and extraordinary worlds come alive.

In this article, we will explore the vast and diverse landscape of fantasy subgenres, delving into eleven of the sub genres that offer unique and immersive reading experiences.

From epic high fantasy realms filled with magic and mythical creatures to urban fantasy settings that bring fantastical elements into the modern world, each subgenre offers its own distinct flavor and appeal. We’ll uncover the enchantment of portal fantasy, where characters embark on journeys between worlds, and delve into the intricacies of dark fantasy, where shadows and moral ambiguity reign.

Let’s immerse ourselves in the wonders of fairy tales and folklore, and wander through the realms of historical fantasy and steampunk. Along the way, we’ll encounter genres such as urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and sword and sorcery, each with its own unique blend of adventure, romance, and supernatural elements.

This guide to fantasy subgenres covers:

  1. High fantasy
  2. Urban fantasy
  3. Portal fantasy
  4. Dark fantasy
  5. Historical fantasy
  6. Steampunk
  7. Fairy tale retellings
  8. Paranormal romance
  9. Sword and sorcery
  10. Mythological fantasy
  11. Magical realism

Let’s start with the first fantasy subgenre on the list.

1 – High Fantasy

High Fantasy, the beloved subgenre of fantasy fiction, takes readers on epic adventures into meticulously crafted fictional worlds.

These stories are characterized by vast landscapes, rich histories, intricate magic systems, and epic quests.

High Fantasy often features diverse races, mythical creatures, and intricate political systems that shape the fate of the world. It immerses readers in grand narratives where heroes, villains, and complex characters grapple with their destinies and battle against the forces of evil.

High Fantasy works like J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” and George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” have become iconic representations of the genre. They transport readers to meticulously constructed realms filled with noble knights, dark sorcery, and ancient prophecies. These tales often explore themes of heroism, sacrifice, the struggle between good and evil, and the intricate dynamics of power.

High Fantasy is known for being able to ignite the imagination, transporting readers to worlds where anything is possible. With sprawling landscapes and intricate worldbuilding, these stories evoke a sense of wonder and escapism. They invite readers to embark on grand adventures, experience epic battles, and witness the triumph of good over evil.

2 – Urban Fantasy

Urban Fantasy weaves fantastical elements into modern-day urban settings.

It immerses readers in a world where magic and supernatural creatures coexist with the bustling cityscape. In these stories, the ordinary and the extraordinary collide, revealing hidden realms, secret societies, and a blend of the mundane and the magical.

Urban Fantasy is able to juxtapose the fantastical against the familiar. It often features protagonists who navigate their daily lives while dealing with supernatural threats, solving mysteries, or discovering their own magical abilities. Urban Fantasy stories are known for their fast-paced action, thrilling adventures, and engaging characters.

Authors like Jim Butcher with his “Dresden Files” series and Patricia Briggs with the “Mercy Thompson” series have made significant contributions to this subgenre. These works introduce readers to urban landscapes populated by vampires, werewolves, witches, and other mystical beings who lurk in the shadows of our modern world.

When you write Urban Fantasy, you explore themes of identity, the clash of ancient and contemporary, and the interplay between magic and technology. It offers a fresh take on fantasy by infusing it with an urban and contemporary edge, creating a sense of wonder and enchantment amidst familiar city streets.

3 – Portal Fantasy

Portal Fantasy takes readers on exhilarating journeys from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

In these tales, characters are transported from the familiar world into other realms through portals or magical gateways. These portals serve as portals of adventure, leading protagonists into enchanting and often perilous worlds filled with mythical creatures, strange landscapes, and epic quests.

Portal Fantasy allows readers to escape the confines of reality and explore realms beyond imagination. It sparks a sense of wonder as characters navigate the unknown and confront their destinies. Stories like C.S. Lewis’ “The Chronicles of Narnia” and Lev Grossman’s “The Magicians” captivate readers with their richly imagined worlds accessible through magical wardrobes, doors, or hidden gateways.

What makes Portal Fantasy particularly enthralling is the stark contrast between the protagonist’s ordinary life and the extraordinary realm they enter. It explores themes of self-discovery, courage, and the transformative power of venturing into the unknown.

 Through Portal Fantasy, readers embark on grand adventures, encounter fantastical beings, and witness the clash of magic and reality. It invites readers to embrace the notion that there are hidden wonders waiting to be discovered beyond the thresholds of the everyday.

4 – Dark Fantasy

Dark Fantasy explores the macabre, unsettling, and morally ambiguous aspects of the fantastical world.

It delves into the shadows of human nature, infusing fantasy elements with a darker and often Gothic atmosphere. In these tales, the lines between good and evil blur, and the heroes and villains navigate complex moral landscapes.

Dark Fantasy takes readers on haunting and often chilling journeys, examining the depths of the human psyche. It confronts themes of horror, despair, and the supernatural, weaving a tapestry of suspense, dread, and supernatural elements. Works like Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods” and Clive Barker’s “Imajica” exemplify the genre, immersing readers in worlds where darkness reigns and moral ambiguity prevails.

Dark Fantasy is known for its exploration of the eerie, the taboo, and the psychological depths of the human condition. It embraces the unsettling and challenges traditional notions of heroism and villainy. With elements of horror and a penchant for exploring the darkest corners of imagination, Dark Fantasy invites readers to confront their fears and question their own morality.

Dark Fantasy provides a captivating blend of beauty and terror, enchantment and dread. It delves into the complexities of good and evil, the thin line between sanity and madness, and the often-troubling nature of power. By embracing the shadows, Dark Fantasy presents readers with thought-provoking narratives that examine the human condition through a fantastical lens.

5 – Historical Fantasy

Historical Fantasy merges elements of fantasy with historical settings, seamlessly blending the past with imaginative elements.

These stories transport readers to bygone eras, infusing them with magic, folklore, and mythical creatures. By interweaving fantasy elements into historical contexts, authors create mesmerizing narratives that reimagine history and add an enchanting twist to familiar events.

In Historical Fantasy, authors like Susanna Clarke with “Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell” and Mary Robinette Kowal with the “Glamourist Histories” series introduce readers to worlds where magic and supernatural phenomena intertwine with real-world historical events. These tales offer a fresh perspective on the past, blending meticulously researched details with imaginative flights of fancy.

Historical Fantasy has the ability to transport readers to different time periods while maintaining the allure of magic and fantasy. It allows us to experience historical events in new and exciting ways, opening up possibilities beyond what conventional history books reveal.

Through Historical Fantasy, readers can embark on thrilling adventures, witness clashes between myth and history, and encounter legendary figures brought to life in captivating new contexts. These stories delve into themes of power, identity, and the delicate balance between reality and the extraordinary.

Historical Fantasy invites us to reimagine the past, embracing the magic that might have existed alongside historical events. It captivates readers with its blend of historical authenticity and fantastical allure, reminding us that history itself holds untold mysteries and that our imaginations can bring these hidden tales to light.

6 – Steampunk

Steampunk invites readers into a world where Victorian-era aesthetics and steam-powered technology blend with elements of science fiction and adventure.

In these narratives, authors transport us to an alternate version of the past where clockwork contraptions, airships, and intricate machinery dominate the landscape.

Steampunk stories, such as Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” and Scott Westerfeld’s “Leviathan” series, reimagine history with a fantastical twist, often incorporating elements of fantasy, adventure, and a touch of rebellion against social norms.

Steampunk is known for its distinctive visual aesthetic and intricate world-building, where gears, goggles, and Victorian fashion meld with imaginative technology. It explores themes of innovation, societal change, and the tension between tradition and progress.

Writing steampunk captures the imagination with its blend of the elegant and the mechanical, creating a sense of wonder and nostalgia. It invites readers to journey through imaginative landscapes, filled with airships soaring through the skies, clockwork automatons, and imaginative inventions that push the boundaries of possibility.

Through Steampunk, readers can explore themes of industrialization, scientific advancement, and the human desire to manipulate the world around us. It is a subgenre that celebrates innovation, adventure, and the resilience of characters navigating a world that balances the old with the new.

7 – Fairy Tale Retellings

Fairy Tale Retellings brings beloved tales from folklore, urban legends, and fairy tales into fresh perspectives, offering new interpretations and imaginative twists.

These stories reimagine classic narratives, breathing new life into familiar characters and enchanting worlds.

Authors like Marissa Meyer with “The Lunar Chronicles” and Neil Gaiman with “Stardust” have masterfully woven their own tales around well-known fairy tales, creating rich and immersive retellings that captivate readers of all ages.

Fairy Tale Retellings blend nostalgia with innovation, keeping the essence of beloved stories while adding layers of depth and complexity. These narratives often delve into the motivations and backstories of characters, challenging traditional gender roles, and exploring themes of love, sacrifice, and self-discovery.

Fairy Tale Retellings invite readers to rediscover the magic of childhood favorites while offering unexpected surprises and subversions. They introduce fresh perspectives, complex character development, and imaginative world-building, while still preserving the charm and wonder of the original tales.

Through Fairy Tale Retellings, readers embark on enchanted journeys, encountering both familiar and unfamiliar twists. These narratives evoke a sense of nostalgia, ignite the imagination, and provide an opportunity to explore timeless themes in new and exciting ways.

Fairy Tale Retellings remind us that the allure of these timeless stories is eternal, capable of captivating generation after generation. They breathe new life into age-old tales, making them relevant for contemporary audiences and allowing us to discover the magic within familiar stories once again.

8 – Paranormal Romance

Paranormal Romance merges elements of fantasy and romance and enthralls readers with tales of love, passion, and supernatural intrigue.

In these narratives, passionate relationships unfold between human characters and creatures of the paranormal realm, such as vampires, werewolves, witches, or ghosts.

Authors like Stephenie Meyer with the “Twilight” series and Deborah Harkness with the “All Souls Trilogy” have crafted mesmerizing stories that blend otherworldly beings with heartfelt romance.

When you write a Paranormal Romance, you have the ability to blend the intensity of romance with the allure of the supernatural. These tales explore themes of forbidden love, destiny, and the complexities of relationships in worlds where the normal rules of love don’t always apply.

Paranormal Romance transports readers to enchanting realms where the supernatural intersects with human emotions, sparking intense connections and sweeping readers into tales of passion and danger. These narratives provide an escape into worlds where imagination knows no bounds and where love defies the boundaries of reality.

Through Paranormal Romance, readers can explore the depths of desire, the complexities of attraction, and the bonds formed amidst supernatural perils. It combines the thrill of fantastical creatures with the emotional rollercoaster of love, offering a unique blend of escapism, excitement, and heartfelt connections.

9 – Sword and Sorcery

Sword and Sorcery takes readers on thrilling adventures filled with heroic warriors, epic battles, and enchanting magic.

In these tales, the focus lies on action-packed narratives, where protagonists armed with mighty swords and formidable skills navigate treacherous landscapes and face off against dark forces.

Authors like Robert E. Howard with the “Conan the Barbarian” series and Michael Moorcock with the “Elric of Melniboné” series have contributed significantly to the realm of Sword and Sorcery, crafting memorable characters and captivating worlds.

 Sword and Sorcery places emphasis on fast-paced action, high-stakes conflicts, and larger-than-life heroes and villains. These stories often feature morally ambiguous characters, savage monsters, and arcane magic woven into intricate plots.

Sword and Sorcery invites readers to delve into realms where courage, skill, and wit are paramount. It evokes a sense of excitement, as readers witness the clash of weapons and the weaving of powerful spells. These narratives transport us to a world of danger and adventure, where the fate of kingdoms hangs in the balance.

Through Sword and Sorcery, readers embark on quests alongside valiant warriors, witness the unveiling of ancient prophecies, and explore realms steeped in myth and legend. These stories celebrate the indomitable human spirit, the thrill of combat, and the allure of magic, reminding us of the enduring power of heroism and the allure of fantastical realms.

10 – Mythological Fantasy

Mythological Fantasy immerses readers in the timeless realms of ancient myths and legends. These stories draw inspiration from various mythologies and folklore, weaving them into intricate narratives that intertwine the human and divine.

Authors like Rick Riordan with the “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” series and Madeline Miller with “Circe” have masterfully brought mythological fantasy to life, breathing new energy into age-old tales.

Mythological Fantasy transports readers to places where gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures reign supreme. These narratives explore themes of destiny, heroism, and the intricate dynamics between mortals and immortals.

Mythological Fantasy allows readers to delve into the depths of rich mythologies, experiencing epic quests, divine intervention, and encounters with legendary beings. It captures the essence of ancient tales while offering fresh interpretations and shedding light on lesser-known aspects of mythology.

Through Mythological Fantasy, readers can explore the complexities of human nature, the mysteries of the divine, and the enduring power of myths that have shaped cultures across the globe. These stories ignite the imagination, evoke a sense of wonder, and remind us of the timeless wisdom and universal themes contained within ancient folklore.

11 – Magical Realism

Magical Realism weaves enchantment into the fabric of reality, blurring the lines between the ordinary and the extraordinary. In these stories, magical elements coexist seamlessly with the mundane, creating a sense of wonder and magic within everyday life.

Authors like Isabel Allende with “The House of the Spirits” and Gabriel García Márquez with “One Hundred Years of Solitude” have masterfully explored the realms of Magical Realism, enchanting readers with their lyrical prose and imaginative storytelling.

Magical Realism blurs the line between the familiar with the fantastical. It celebrates the magic hidden within the everyday, revealing the extraordinary that lies beneath the surface. These narratives evoke a dreamlike atmosphere, where the impossible becomes possible and the boundaries of reality are expanded.

Magical Realism invites readers to explore themes of identity, cultural heritage, and the interconnectedness of life. It celebrates the power of storytelling and the beautiful complexities of the human experience.

Through Magical Realism, readers embark on journeys that challenge their perceptions of reality, inviting them to see the world with fresh eyes. These stories illuminate the magic in the ordinary, instilling a sense of awe and appreciation for the beauty and mysteries that exist in our everyday lives.

Magical Realism sparks the imagination, blurring the boundaries between reality and fantasy, and inspiring us to find the extraordinary within the ordinary. It encourages us to embrace the wonder that exists in our world, reminding us that magic can be found in the most unexpected places.

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