13 Book Writing Software That Actually Make a Difference

Posted on Dec 28, 2023

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Home > Blog > Business, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Writing > 13 Book Writing Software That Actually Make a Difference

Book writing software wouldn’t exist if people didn’t both want it and use it. There are dozens of apps for writing with various features meant to customize the process of writing a book depending on the actual writer.

People with ADHD tend to work better with certain softwares that limit distractions and organize information while an older writer—who isn’t used to advanced technology—may benefit from very basic, minimum features. The truth is that you don’t need to search forever for the “best” book writing software.

Nor will any software make a difference if you lack everything else it takes to write a book, which I’ll get into below.

But since you began your search for a good book writing software to use—even if it’s just a way to procrastinate the actual process of writing—I’ll honor that and help you out by giving you the need-to-knows for paid, free, grammar software, and apps to help limit distractions (oftentimes more useful than a single app).

If you want to skip all of this and just have a quiz tell you which is best based on your needs, take this one:

New Call-To-Action

Here are the book writing software we’ll go through:

  1. Paid Writing Software
  2. Free Writing Software
  3. Grammar Writing Software
  4. Distraction-Free Productivity Software

Shop by Features, Not by “Hype”

I’m not trying to sell you on any particular book writing software in this article. Instead, my goal is to give you an idea of what’s out there so you can weigh the options for yourself in order to aid in your specific process.

Who knows—you may even discover a brand-new writing and publishing tool you absolutely love. Or maybe you say to hell with expensive options and buckle down to do the work on something free.

In the end, the truth is that there are many great writing tools out there. It isn’t really a question of which tool is BEST. What it comes down to is: which tool works best with YOUR book writing process?

There are 11 things to consider when deciding which program to use for your book:

  1. How easy is it to format text the way you want?
  2. Does it have templates available?
  3. How many?
  4. How much does it cost?
  5. Is the program simple & easy to use?
  6. Does it offer any extra features or other bells & whistles?
  7. How about a distraction-free writing experience?
  8. Is the program user-friendly?
  9. Can you access your files no matter where you are?
  10. How easy is it to collaborate with editors & team members?
  11. Is there distribution capabilities when it’s time to publish?

Does book writing software really make a difference?

Let me be honest with you. As someone who has spent the last 10 years not finishing a book, but writing over 800,000 words of various novels, I’m here to cut through the noise and answer this honestly:

Not really.

Book writing software can make a huge difference if you commit to using it and stop shopping around in an attempt to find that “thing” that will make the process of writing a book painless. It’s not painless, no matter where you write it.

There will always be days when you can’t write well.

There will always be days you don’t want to write.

There will always be days where you question whether or not you even want to keep writing this book.

But there will also be days you write thousands of words with ese.

There will be days you can’t wait to wake up and get to work

There will be days you can’t think of doing anything else with your life than writing novels.

The software you use on any of these days doesn’t matter in the end. What matters is that you get words on the page. If there just so happens to be a software that makes the hard days easier and the good days better, that’s great!

We’ve got options for those. So let’s get into them.

Paid Book Writing Software

There used to be a time where paying for a book writing software just seemed silly. The thing is, writers have been paying to write on something for a while. If you think there weren’t snooty writers who were picky about their typewriters pre-computers, you’d be wrong.

That said, paid book writing softwares cost money for a reason. They’re just typically better, with more capabilities, conveniences, and other features that are worth the money to help you writer a better book faster.

These are the paid writing-specific softwares we recommend that are Self-Publishing School tried and true.

1. NovelPad

BEST FOR: Fiction Writers
TYPE: Story Mapping & Word Processor
PRICING: $15 monthly or $120 annually (with a 14-day free trial)

Click here to get started with NovelPad.

NovelPad launched in 2020 and has been making the rounds in the writing community. It’s best for fiction writers, as it has character boards, scene tracking, and more, but someone writing a nonfiction book can still benefit from its features.

Among some of the best features is the goal-tracking section, where you can set monthly writing goals, create sprints, and track how much total progress you’ve made and how many total minutes you’ve put into your book. This feature also dynamically updates your goals per day, so if you don’t hit your goal word count one day, the daily goals for the rest of the month will automatically update to keep you on track.

Also notable about NovelPad is the customer service and responsiveness. When you join NovelPad, you may be invited to join a Discord group for the software, which has a Writing Room where you can connect with other authors, along with a Bug Tracker and Suggestions room where you can drop notes and ideas directly to the creators and software developers.

Book Writing Software Example Of Novelpad Progress Tracker

Writing Software Features:

  • Chapter by chapter layout / outline
  • Character boards for profiles
  • Character tracking (you can jump to all sections where a character’s name appears)
  • Scene-tracking by color with a board-view
  • Settings/Locations board
  • Advanced dynamic writing goal tracker
  • Intuitive user interface that’s really easy to learn
  • Discord community
  • Customer support and response is top notch
  • Auto-saving feature
  • Multi-device syncing / login
  • Grammar suggestions and highlights
  • Can save up to 100 novels
  • Offline mode
  • Direct export to Word, PDF, and Markdown
  • Import from Word function
  • Font, theme, and other customization options
  • Full-screen writing mode to minimize distractions
  • Writing looks like how it would appear in a real book/kindle
  • Write in-scene only or write within your full manuscript


  • No folder features to store books in a series
  • No image capability for the character boards (though this is incoming)
  • No comments or collaboration features (YET! Incoming, currently in testing)
  • It’s not an app, but an in-browser software (can be a pro or a con for some people)

2. Scrivener

BEST FOR: Fiction Writers
TYPE: Story Mapping & Word Processor
PRICING: $59.99 for download, $23 additional for IOS (30-day free trial)

Click here to get started with Scrivener.

Don’t just get Scrivener because you think everyone else uses it or because that Youtuber said it’s good. There are certainly aspects of Scrivener that make it great for certain types of people, but some of the features are excessive and can cause more distraction than it helps you write.

Chances are, you’ve heard of Scrivener. I don’t need to spend a ton of time going through the details because every Youtuber or writing-advice blog out there has told you about it. Does it live up to the hype? Not for everyone.

But for others, it’s the only thing they claim they’ll ever use again.

In short, Scrivener gives you an insane amount of flexibility for writing, formatting, and organizing your book for self-publishing.

Because Scrivener was designed for writers, it’s super easy to lay out scenes, move content around, and outline your story, article, or manuscript. Instead of keeping all your content in one big file, Scrivener allows you to create multiple sub-files to make it easier to organize and outline your project.

But as awesome as Scrivener is, it’s not perfect.

And the biggest downside to using Scrivener is the steep learning curve involved. You aren’t going to master this program overnight. But if you’re serious about your writing career, then investing the time to learn this specific writing tool will be worth it. You’ll save time and energy in the long run.

And if you want to learn how to use Scrivener as quickly & easily as possible, we can help! Here’s a full Scrivener tutorial so you can easily maneuver this program.

Writing Software Features:

  • Outlining with a corkboard / index-card style board
  • Outline with a folder and list style sidebar
  • Full-manuscript writing & scene-specific writing
  • Plotting timeline
  • Import from other software (Word, OpenOffice, PDF)
  • Template creation (for plots, characters, planning)
  • Screenwriting capabilities
  • Nonfiction tools / library for research
  • Side-by-side document view
  • Full-screen mode to minimize distractions
  • Minimal progress tracking
  • Printing and exporting (including epub and kindle versions)
  • “Snapshots” allows you to keep a section before rewriting in case you want to go back
  • App use on multiple devices: Mac, Windows, IOS


  • It’s not very intuitive at all, and is very hard to learn before being able to use its features
  • Has been known to have auto-save errors (and people lose their work)
  • Customer support does not have many reviews

3. Plottr

BEST FOR: Fiction Writers
TYPE: Story Mapping & Word Processor
PRICING: $39 annually or $139 lifetime for 1 device (more options for multiple devices – 14-day free trial)

Click here to get started with Plottr.

Plottr was created by an author for authors, specifically fiction. The overall bonus of this book writing software (and what people tend to like most) is the plotlines timeline feature that allows you to track the various plotlines, which chapters they appear in, and with colors (image below).

This software also has various templates you can use to get started on your story’s structure to keep it in line with industry standards. It can be really handy for those who aren’t as well-versed in novel structures or are beginners when it comes to writing fiction novels.

Plottr is an app, and can be used across multiple devices (so long as you pay for more than 1 device). This can be a big pro for people who prefer to work on apps and not in a browser, to minimize distractions.

However, the user interface of Plottr is definitely behind the curve when it comes to intuitive design that’s easy to use. It doesn’t seem to be easily organized and can take longer to understand how it all works together and how to use it effectively.

Click here to read a full Plottr review.

Plottr Writing Software Example

Writing Software Features:

  • App available for Mac or PC
  • Scene cards
  • Unlimited plotlines
  • Story filters
  • Tracking details based on POV, character goals, and more
  • Customized templates for story planning
  • Colors for plotlines and scenes 
  • Scene stacking
  • Outline view
  • Timeline view
  • Character boards with image options
  • Plotline tracking for overall and secondary plots
  • Backups & autosave


  • It’s a little out-dated in appearance
  • Clunky user interface that’s not very intuitive
  • You can’t really see your book in full-written form, it’s by scene
  • Export for Microsoft Word and Scrivener only

4. Atticus

BEST FOR: Nonfiction Self-Publishers
TYPE: Word Processor & Formatting
PRICING: $147 (no free trial, 30-day money back guarantee)

Click here to get started with Atticus.

This newly released book writing software by Dave Chesson over at Kindlepreneur is a simple writing software that also has formatting capabilities. No need to download your book from one software just to upload it to another for formatting!

The interface is super simple with this book writing software, with a left sidebar to house your front matter, body (the chapter-by-chapter outline and writing), and then back matter.

The formatting section of this software is a huge win, especially for self-published authors who do most of this stuff themselves (or who outsource it). It allows for “themes” for some pre-loaded design features for chapter headings, font type, and more, while also allowing you to choose other formatting setting, like how to begin a new scene (indents or all caps sentence) and other small details that can make formatting so much easier for new authors.

Overall, this is much more of formatting software than it is a true writing software due to its limited features to assist in the writing process. If you really don’t need anything extensive when it comes to plotting, characters, or other fiction-specific capabilities, Atticus may be a great tool for you, particularly for nonfiction writers who like to churn out books quickly and on a budget (since you can format yourself).

This tool is a bit pricier in terms of book writing softwares, but due to its formatting function, it’s competitively priced against formatting softwares like Vellum.

You can check out a full, comprehensive Atticus review here.

Writing Software Features:

  • Organized, simple interface
  • Formatting section
  • Book goal tracking visible on-screen at all times
  • Easy outline visible at all times
  • Upload document from Word
  • Book cover uploading feature
  • “Projects” grouping that can be used for series
  • Pen name organizing feature
  • Formatted preview feature
  • Several single-click formatting design options
  • Custom theme creation
  • Auto save
  • Manual backup function to secure servers
  • Spell check
  • Offline use
  • External collaboration / commenting functions


  • No character planning or mapping
  • Very minimal outline features
  • No place for notes or other ideas
  • Software for formatting more than writing/creating

5. Microsoft Word

SOFTWARE NAME: Microsoft Word
BEST FOR: Beginner Writers
TYPE: Word Processor
PRICING: Free with some laptops, $69.99/year if purchase separately

Click here to get started with Microsoft Word.

Before any other writing tools came along, Microsoft Word was the only option available. Everyone used it.

Today, even though there are many other word processors out there, Word is still the most widely used book writing software in the U.S. Millions of people continue to use it for their writing needs.

And it’s easy to see why. Word has a lot going for it!

It’s been around a long time. It’s trusted, reliable, and gets the job done well.

It also provides a relatively distraction-free writing experience; much better than working on Google Docs in your browser, for example, where you’re only an errant mouse-click away from the entire internet.

If you just need to wake up in the morning and meet your word-count goals by keeping your head down and getting those words pounded out onto the page, then Word is an obvious choice of book writing software. No fuss, no muss. It’s about as simple as it gets and can help you finish your draft easily.

Word also offers some simple organization.

While writing your chapters, changing the chapter’s heading (seen in the example below) allows easy navigation as your book progresses further and further.

Screenshot Of Writing Software Ms Word

Using headers, you can organize your book into chapters—and then you can navigate through them quickly using the Navigation pane:

Instructions For Using Microsoft Word

In order to view your navigation pane in outline-format click:

View > Navigation Pane (it’s a box to check) > select the bullet/outline tab within the navigation pane (seen above).

You can also create your own free book writing template using Word. And if you start writing your book in Word and don’t begin with the correct formatting, it’s pretty easy to clean up your formatting to make it “book ready” with a few simple steps.

If you’re a Word user and you’ve got your own system in place for writing books, then perhaps you need to look no further.

Key Features:

  • Simple word processor
  • Outline available
  • Collaboration and commenting features
  • Shapes, boxes, and image addition easily
  • Easier to use for  non tech-savvy writers
  • Endless documentation for problem-solving online


  • Not necessarily for books-specifically, so it’s missing plotting, character features
  • You have to send and save versions to use collaboration functions

Free Book Writing Software

Not everyone can afford to go all-in on writing their books, and it’s not always necessary. While paid book writing software options allow for additional features and support, you can still write an incredible book with the various free ones out there.

1. Google Docs / Sheets

SOFTWARE NAME: Google Docs / Sheets
BEST FOR: Writing Collaboration, Editing, Outlining
TYPE: Word Processor

Click here to get started with Google Docs.

We’ve looked at the appealing simplicity of Word and the in-depth power of Scrivener, but there’s another book writing software that more and more people are starting to use for various reasons: Google Docs.

Essentially, Google Docs is a stripped-down version of Word that you can only use online. It’s a simple, yet effective writing tool, and it comes with a lot of other functions if you consider Google Sheets and how you can use the two together.

This is what I use 98% of the time. I use Google Sheets to plan writing my book and Google Docs for the actual writing portion. I’ve developed my own style of an outline within Google Sheets because of the flexibility of it. Here’s what this looks like:

Book Writing Software Example Google Sheets

The beauty of this program (and Google Drive in general) comes in the ability to share content, files, and documents among your team. You can easily communicate via comments, too.

This book writing software keeps a complete history of all changes made to a document, so if you accidentally delete something you wanted to keep, simply click the link at the top of the screen that says, “All changes saved in drive.”

That will bring up the version history, where you can review all the changes that have been made to your book file and revert to a previous version if you so choose.

(Anyone who has ever lost a draft of a book understands how valuable this feature is!)

Google Docs doesn’t require any installation and can be accessed anywhere via your browser, or an app on your phone.

Plus you can access your work when you move from one location or another—no carrying a laptop or thumb drive around with you. When you share a book draft with others, like test readers or your editor, they can comment directly on the draft using the built-in comment functionality.

Writing Software Features:

  • Auto save
  • Sync across many devices
  • Visible outline on left sidebar option
  • Commenting/suggesting and editing features
  • Spellcheck and compatible with grammar softwares (grammarly)
  • Offline mode available
  • Speak-to-text capabilities
  • Easy to organize and save drafts in folders


  • Purely for writing or editing
  • No plotting or character assets
  • No tracking or progress updates
  • Can’t easily see word count

2. Notion

BEST FOR: Advanced Writers & Planners
TYPE: Notes, Tasks, & Writing
PRICING: Free for a personal account (upgrades for teams or unlimited personal)

Click here to get started with Notion free.

Notion is technically not solely a book writing software, but it has capabilities to outline, write, and house details inside the app. This is actually an app that feels like a combination of Google Docs meshed with a tasking system, folders, calendars/boards, and more.

Using this app as more than just a writing software is typical. Personally, I use this to track finances, ideas for businesses, grocery list, and various book ideas as they come up.

So keep that in mind as you read these features—it’s not solely made for books but can be used that way. We’ve actually create both fiction and nonfiction book templates you can use in your very own Notion account—just click here to grab one of those.

That being said, there are a ton of features wrapped up in Notion, too many to even count out, and it’s really customizable if you’re someone who can get a handle on new tech quickly. You’ll be able to create your own frameworks for your outline, notes, and character profiles that you can save as templates for more books.

Ultimately, this is great for someone who wants their writing software within another they can use frequently for other purposes, as well as someone who is more tech-savvy and wants to really customize their book writing process.

Notion Book Writing Software Example
Book Writing Software Notion Example Character Template

Writing Software Features:

  • Easy to create your own version of an outline
  • Several different functions that can be used for characters, plotting, outlining
  • Access across all devices
  • Offline mode
  • Auto save
  • External sharing via link with commenting
  • Folders organized by favorites and emojis
  • Calendars, charts, boards for tracking
  • Board-style chapter and scene breakdowns available
  • Customized experience you dictate in full


  • It does take a while to understand all the features
  • Not solely for book-writing, so lacking built in features for that
  • You have to make your own book templates to reuse

3. Evernote

BEST FOR: Advanced Writers & Planners
TYPE: Notes, Tasks, & Writing
TECH LEVEL: 3.5 / 5
PRICING: Free for 2 devices, upgraded versions available with more features

Click here to get started with Evernote.

Evernote is a note-taking app, not necessarily a book writing software. It’s a great way to keep track of your thoughts—like brainstorming ideas, outlining chapters, and jotting down inspiration when it strikes.

The mobile app is particularly useful for capturing new ideas when they strike, since most people have their phone with them 24/7.

Evernote as a book writing software is comparable to Notion in that it’s not meant solely for writing, but has many functionalities that can aid the writing process as a whole.

While you can use Evernote to write content—I’ve used it for writing blogs and other small sections of books—you wouldn’t want to use it as your main word processor. Its functionality is a bit too limited.

While Evernote has been around for a little while, they seem to always be expanding on their features, making it one of the best writing softwares out there.

But as a way of keeping track of ideas, it’s a great find.

Evernote On Mobile Book Writing Software Example
Book Writing Software Features Of Evernote

Writing Software Features:

  • Syncing across multiple devices (if you pay for multi)
  • Auto save
  • Easily searchable
  • Template creation
  • Several templates available to use
  • Document scanning and uploading for notes/ideas
  • Create tasks to keep you on-pace with writing goals


  • No writing-specific functions
  • You have to tailor notes and functions for your writing preferences
  • Free account has minimal monthly uploads (60MB)
  • Offline mode only available for paid

Grammar Book Writing Software

Not all writers need the assistance of grammar-specific book writing software. That being said, it is always helpful to keep an eye on your writing quality as a writer.

Some of software listed below can be used with other word processors, while others are meant for you to use as a word processor and grammar checker all in one.

1. Grammarly

BEST FOR: Grammar & Editing
TYPE: Grammar Software
TECH LEVEL: 1.5 / 5
PRICING: Free version, paid upgrade with additional features starting at $12/month

Click here to get started with Grammarly.

If you haven’t heard of this editing software, you’ve been living under a rock. It has taken over as one of the most versatile simple editing software and for a good reason.

We have a Grammarly review that covers all the features and functions but essentially, this is a browser extension you can download and it automatically corrects your grammar and spelling in whichever online medium you’re writing on.

This writing software is perfect if you need to brush up on your grammar or are looking for an easy way to sound professional in written emails as well.

Writing Software Features:

  • Compatible on Chrome, Google Docs, Word
  • Grammar, spelling,  punctuation
  • Conciseness 
  • Tone detection
  • Fluency [premium feature]
  • Compelling vocabulation [premium feature]
  • Confident, politeness, formality writing [premium feature]
  • Available on Apps, desktop, and several browsers
  • Available on Apple and Android products
  • Offers alternative choices for corrections


  • The best features are only available for premium users
  • Sometimes the suggestions pop up and get stuck on screen
  • Doesn’t overall help you better your writing

2. Hemingway Editor

SOFTWARE NAME: Hemingway Editor
BEST FOR: Grammar & Editing
TYPE: Grammar Software
PRICING: $19.99 for the desktop app

Click here to get started with Hemingway App.

Simply paste your writing into the editor and scroll through. You’ll notice that the program highlights certain words & passages—like long, hard-to-read sentences, passive verbs, and phrases with simpler alternatives.

It’s basically your own personal editor rolled into a writing software. You can compare it with Grammarly in the video below if you’re stuck between which to choose.

What I love about this tool is how easy it is to use. Everything is color-coded and super easy to understand, so you can see at a glance where your writing could use a little elbow grease.

Here’s an example of what it looks like:

Book Writing Software Hemingway Editor App Example

Writing Software Features:

  • Passive voice notes
  • Simplifier for complex sentences
  • Desktop app available for 
  • Word count tracker
  • Tells you the readability level
  • Basic and simple to use
  • Writing mode and editing mode
  • Offline mode [paid feature only]
  • PDF exports [paid feature only]
  • Publish directly to WordPress or elsewhere [paid feature only]


  • You have to type within the tool to receive corrections
  • It doesn’t actually provide alternative options for corrections
  • Doesn’t appear to be an export function from web use

3. ProWritingAid

BEST FOR: Grammar & Editing
TYPE: Grammar Software
PRICING: $120 yearly or $399 for lifetime access (14-day money-back guarantee)

Click here to get started with ProWritingAid.

This book writing software is truly a writing software that’s actually designed to improve your writing over time. You can upload your writing from your computer or simply copy and paste it into ProWritingAid’s editor and it will almost immediately populate corrections for your writing.

There are a number of different criteria it uses to correct your writing, including the classic grammar and spelling, readability by grade level, and sentence variety. Where it differs is in passive voice corrections, pacing indications, dialogue tags, and a really unique “emotional telling” feature that helps you learn to show and not tell in writing.

One thing to keep in mind, as with any other grammar or writing-improvement software is that it will highlight grammatical errors as you work through how to format dialogue. But, if that’s how you’ve developed your character to speak, keep those nuances. The last thing you want is for every character to speak the same way.

You can read a full review of ProWritingAid here.

Prowritingaid Book Writing Software Example

Key Features:

  • Grammar and spelling
  • Writing style
  • Sentence length correcting
  • Readability grade
  • Sentence variety
  • Passive voice correction
  • Complex paragraphs
  • Pacing indications
  • Glue Index (reading clarity)
  • Emotion-telling (show vs telling)
  • Dialogue tags – including with adverbs
  • Weak adverbs
  • Add-ins (accessible on): Email, Word, Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Scrivener, Google Docs
  • Has a desktop app 
  • Can upload from saved file


  • Free account only allows up to 500 words edited at a time
  • Only seems to export as a Word docx. File
  • Website loading can be very slow

Distraction-Free Productivity Book Writing Software

You may not need the grammar help. You may not even need help plotting or developing your characters. What you may need as a writer more than anything, is something to keep you focused and productive.

We’ve put together a list of the top 3 software we recommend to help writers limit distractions and write more.

1. Freedom App

BEST FOR: Limiting Distractions
TYPE: Distraction-Free
PRICING: $8.99 per month or $39.99 per year OR one-time fee of $99.50 for lifetime access (free trial available)

Click here to get started with Freedom.

Freedom isn’t technically a book writing software, but it sure can help improve your writing. It’s a productivity app designed to help eliminate distractions by blocking certain websites – something more than beneficial for those of us who get sidetracked easily.

For example: let’s say you have a tendency to get distracted by social media sites. All you have to do us start a Freedom session that blocks all your social media sites—and then you won’t be able to visit them even if you wanted to.

Here’s what it looks like when you schedule a session:

Freedom Software To Reduce Distractions Screenshot

Notice that you have a lot of options. You can schedule one-time sessions (starting now or later), or you can set up recurring sessions (for example, to block distracting sites every day when it’s time to write).

When you try to visit a site that’s being blocked, you’ll get this message:

Example Of Being Free From Instagram Using Freedom

This is a really liberating tool. Once you know you don’t have the option of visiting those distracting sites, you’ll find it easier to keep focused on your writing and you’ll be able to get a lot more done.

Key Features:

  • Block certain websites from use
  • Block internet access
  • Sync across all devices
  • Versions for any and all operating systems
  • Scheduling blocks for various days and times
  • Browser extensions
  • Ambient noise to help concentration
  • Session-history and tracking
  • Regular updates to keep up with operating system updates
  • Simple user interface that’s easy to navigate


  • Would need to pair with a writing processor for writing benefit

2. FocusWriter

BEST FOR: Beginner Writers
TYPE: Word Processor

Click here to use FocusWriter on your Windows computer.

FocusWriter is a word processor for writers that’s intended to eliminate distractions to help you get your book written quicker. It’s a basic, lightweight writing tool that was designed to be completely free of progress inhibiting distractions.

In its fullscreen mode, there are no toolbars or additional windows, just a background and your text so that you can concentrate solely on writing your draft.

FocusWriter also allows you to choose what your screen looks like, as seen in the example below.

You can customize the image in the background to suit your project to help inspire your writing.

It’s simple and effective. If you need a lot of features, it probably won’t work for you. But if simplicity is your thing, then you may have found your perfect free writing tool.

Screenshot Of Focus Writer

Key Features:

  • Full screen mode to eliminate distractions
  • Simple, easy to use interface
  • Customizable background to inspire
  • Easy to use for non tech-savvy people


  • No outlining function
  • No plotting or character functions
  • Really is only a word processor and nothing else
  • No commenting or collaboration features
  • Only available for Windows

How Much Does Book Writing Software Programs Cost?

I would recommend not worrying too much about the cost of these programs. After all, dropping $100 or less on a program is not that big a deal if it is going to help improve your writing for years to come.

That said, I know you work hard for your money—and you want to get the best deal you can!

Here is a breakdown of the most recent prices for all of the tools in this article along with their comparative features:


NovelPad – $8 monthly / $60 annually

Scrivener – $49 download / $19 extra for IOS

Plottr – $25 annually / $99 lifetime for 1 device

Atticus – $147

Microsoft Word – $79.99

Google Docs – Free

Notion – Free with upgrades

Evernote – Free with upgrades

Grammarly – Free, $12 monthly

Hemingway Editor – $19.99

ProWritingAid – $20 monthly / $79 annually / $399 lifetime

Freedom App – $8.99 monthly / $39.96 annually / $159.99 lifetime

Focus Writer – Free

What’s Your Favorite Book Writing Software?

Take some time to check out each of these tools if you aren’t already using them. Stay focused on crafting your next book and stick with the book writing software that gives you the best results in terms of saving you money, time, and frustration.

Keep writing. Keep it simple. Best of all, enjoy the creative process!

Now that you have these awesome tools at your disposal, what is your favorite writing tool? What best suits your needs as an author? Can you speed up the writing process with any particular tool?

Want A Personalized Writing Software Recommendation Based on Your Writing Style and Needs?

Check out our Book Writing Software Assessment below, to get a recommendation just for you!

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