SPS 202: From Book To Entrepreneur & 8M+ TEDx Talk Views with Carrie Green (Female Author Association)

Posted on Mar 22, 2023

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Home > Blog > Podcast > SPS 202: From Book To Entrepreneur & 8M+ TEDx Talk Views with Carrie Green (Female Author Association)

Chandler Bolt [00:00:02] Hey, Chandler Bolt here and joining me today is Carrie Green. Carrie is the founder of the Female Entrepreneur Association, an online platform dedicated to inspiring and empowering women to turn their ideas into reality. That’s a theme you’re going to hear some with her book and with some of the things you talk about today and help women build wildly successful businesses. So there’s over 600,000 women involved in this community, which is just insane. And it makes it one of the largest support platforms for female entrepreneurs. She’s also the author of a book called She Means Business Turn Your Ideas into Reality and Become a wildly successful Entrepreneur. Today, we’re going to be talking about a lot of things. You know, how do you turn your ideas into reality, both as an author and as an entrepreneur? How do you use your book to grow your business and much, much more? So, Carrie, great to have you here.

Carrie Green [00:00:56] Oh, thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited to chat.

Chandler Bolt [00:00:59] Yeah. So I guess first things first, why a book? It seems like just from my research, like you already had a successful business. Why y book? How do you see the book fitting in with the business?

Carrie Green [00:01:10] Well, I’d always want to write a book. And then in 2011, I think it was, I just started the Female Entrepreneur Association and like, I just had like, you know, I was in bed and I just had this this it’s like this these words just came to me and I had a notepad and pen by my bed and I just got up and I started writing and I was like, I need to write a book. And the following week I locked myself away to write this book. I spent a week and it was so bad, so bad, but I was like, I’ve written a book. So then I had it printed and I had it printed as a real book. I had the cover and I’m getting it and putting a picture on Facebook of like I’d written a book. I knew it was absolutely awful. And I think from that moment, I just I was just determined that I was going to write a book and figure out that was 2011. So it took me a long time to go from having the dream of writing a book to actually writing it and getting it out into the world. But yeah, it was a crazy journey.

Chandler Bolt [00:02:07] And so how was the what was the trigger to where did you finally like what was the tipping point was that you wrote it and you’re like, Hey, I want to do this. And then how did you finally get it published?

Carrie Green [00:02:16] Well, so I wrote that. So that first draft was like, apart from the bit that I wrote when I was in bed that night, the rest of it was just utter crap. It was so bad. And I was like, really forcing it. It was all my logical brain, like writing it. Like it was just it wasn’t intuitive, it wasn’t soulful. It was. It wasn’t. It was just rubbish. I know. But anyway, I really wanted to write and it was always on my goal list. And I remember in truth and I always want it to be published with Hay House. For some reason I think it just they were just a publishing house whose, you know, I really like that authors. And I remember in 2013 I had a magazine at the time and the book agent for Gabrielle Bernstein had reached out and said, You should write a book. And I was like, Well, actually, as it happens, I have four in a book. And I sent her over a few of the chapters and she was like, Yeah, like just expand on a few. But I had such a huge block around writing the book and I was like, okay, I will, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll write this. And so I went away. And honestly, months went by and never responded to her. I never got back in touch with her. And then I felt so embarrassed and ashamed that I had taken up this amazing book agent on her offer to help me and to expand the few chapters. And I, you know, I never even got back to her, like, never. And I was like, Oh, my gosh. And so it just weighed on me for a really long time. I felt stuck in my own way. I felt like an imposter. Like, who am I to write a book about business? I don’t know everything about business. I’m no business guru. Like, I just felt so stuck in my own way. And then I started going along to Hay House events to, you know, I would go see like Gabrielle Bernstein. And and through doing that, I had met some of the people that worked at her house. And then in 2015, I still had her in the book, but it was still a dream to write the book. And I remember that year getting an email from the commissioning editor of Hay House in the UK saying, like, we’ve been following you for the past six months. Would you be interested in writing a book? And I was like, Bloody hell. Like now, like my dream publisher is coming to me asking me this. Like it’s like the universe shaking me saying, Bloody write the book. So I was like, okay, like I wanted to write this book. And so we signed this. I signed a publishing deal and had the deadline to write the book and still missed the deadline and going to write it, you know. So it was just like a really like crazy process. In the end of just I remember having to sit on the sofa and I tried all sorts. I mean, like I sat on the sofa, I imagined a beam of light coming down through my head, just like just channeled something. And I literally made audio notes and I got them transcribed. I got people to interview me. I transcribed that, I interviewed other people for the book. I transcribed that. And just yeah, I started doing all these things to help me to just a tiny bit, tiny bit like pull together. The book. So I found it like it was like pulling teeth. Like me? Yeah.

Chandler Bolt [00:05:09] Well, I want to talk a little bit more about what worked for you in the writing process, but before that. So UK House editor reaches out. How do they find you?

Carrie Green [00:05:20] Say Well, I think because I’ve gone along to house events and kind of put myself on the radar. So what happened was I went to see Gabrielle Bernstein speak in London and then queued up with my book and asked her to sign it. And I got to the front and I asked her if I could interview her because I’m like, There’s no way in hell she’s going to say no. Like, I’ve come with her book asking her to sign it. She is going to say like, Yes, or put me in touch. So there was someone from her house next to her and she was like, Yeah, like, here, here’s my contact her. Hey, how’s that connect? And well, she will set it up. So they did, and we ended up I ended up into you and Gabrielle Bernstein, which is how I think her book agent then noticed me. And then I think then after that, I just said to her house, like, if there’s anything I can do to help, if there’s anyone like, if I can support in any way, let me know. So I kind of got on their radar by just connecting and trying to be helpful. And and that was 2013. So it was then 2015. So I think it was someone else, a house that then had mentioned me to the commissioning editor who then started following me and paying attention to that and then yeah, reached out. So yeah, it’s crazy.

Chandler Bolt [00:06:28] Oh, I mean, I think a big lesson there for people is just putting yourself in the room with successful authors, with agents, with decisionmakers, and just getting on their radar. Yeah. And now you’re on the radar. Their radar?

Carrie Green [00:06:41] Yeah, exactly. Especially because a lot of publishing houses do. I mean, high house obviously have tons of things going on and tons of ways to get involved and get noticed. So, yeah.

Chandler Bolt [00:06:52] You mentioned all the different things. You tried to get the book written. Was there was there one or two things that you feel like was the breakthrough or that that finally worked well and led to some of your best writing?

Carrie Green [00:07:05] Yeah, I think one of the biggest things for me was realizing that I’m not writing this book as the expert. I’m writing this book, sharing my experience, my experiences and the things I’ve learned. But there’s so much more for me to learn. And that really took the pressure off me because I was trying to write this. It felt like such a huge thing in my head to write a book and that it had to be perfect. And it’s like, How would you start a book? What’s the first line of the book? And then every chapter it was like, What’s the first line of this chapter? How am I going to open this chapter and this feeling, this pressure that it needed to be like, amazing. And what I realized was that it was just actually me sitting down to share my story, my experiences. And I realized that I wanted to write this book as if I was writing to a best friend. And I also had kept a journal since starting my business. And so in my journal I had like poured my heart and soul out as the all the ups and downs of my journey of building a business. And so then I started to use that journey and weave that into the book. And then the other thing that really helped me was instead of I noticed like, what do I like about other books that I have like read really quickly. And for me, I noticed that the books that had short chapters I read and I was like, Oh, that was only three pages. I’ll just read another three, or I’ll just read the next chapter because it’s two pages and I’ll just read a bit more. And I would find that I would read so much more than getting a book and it being like 30 pages in the chapter would be like, Oh God, I’m not got time for this. So I started paying attention to what I liked and didn’t like about other books. And so as I wrote my book, I just thought of every little thing I wanted to say and wrote it like I was just writing a blog post and I put like Post-it notes all over the wall. And I had three, three sections of the book. And then I just thought, okay, so in this first section, what are all the little things I want to say? And I went back through all my content, all my blog posts, all the videos I’ve ever created, and thought, okay, I want to talk about that. And I actually repurposed so much of what I’d already created. And then just doing that was like, okay, I can pull this one off today. I’m just going to talk about how to set goals or whatever, like how to do this one thing. And it was, it became so much easier and doing that and just kind of permission to just it’s great, express my own story and journey and hope that it would be of some value to people along the way.

Chandler Bolt [00:09:36] Yeah, that’s great. And so it sounds like play to your strengths, write to one person, reflect on what you like about in books and and and do that same thing. And one of the things you mentioned that we talk about this all the time. It’s so funny because I see this commonality in a lot of people is like, I’ve got this. It’s like this the four pillars of a best selling book. And we talk about person pain, promise, price and the. Person is like the one person that you know that you’re like, Hey, this would be helpful for. And it’s so funny that that was the breakthrough for you, is figuring out, okay, who’s this one person that I know that I’m just going to write them. I’m not going to try to be the expert, but I’m going to write it to them and it’s going to be interesting for them. And when I do that, a bunch of other people like that person are going to say, That’s interesting. It’s like, this feels like Gary’s writing this to me.

Carrie Green [00:10:27] Yeah, I know it. It’s yeah, it’s crazy how many people read the book and then say, I feel like you’re my best friend. And it’s just like crazy to think that that was intentional. Like, I intended for you to feel that when you read. But as you read the book and it’s so powerful.

Chandler Bolt [00:10:43] That’s awesome. So let’s switch gears a little bit and talk about the marketing of the book and both the marketing of the book using the book with with the business and everything. So I guess I’ll just start kind of broad, but how did you market the book successfully? Like, it seems like it’s done really, really well.

Carrie Green [00:10:58] Yeah, Well, so at the beginning I remember so I did this when it first launched this like three month book. I mean, I had no idea what I was doing to be fair, but I did the three month plan and I started bonuses because I was like, this pre-sale period, like they need to get something because they’re not just going to wait for the book. So I remember doing it. So at different times they could get different bonuses for for pre-ordering. So I had that whole plan, different things expiring. And then I remember retrace you telling me you want people to actually read the book because that’s how you’ll make a lasting success if people read the book and then review the book. And so when the book launched, I actually did that because the books she means business. I did the she means business like challenge life. And it was a challenge over four weeks and and I broke so at the back of the book this is 28 day she means business challenge So I took the she means business challenge from the book and then we went through it over the four weeks together. And then each part of the challenge related to a different page in the book. So they were constantly like dipping back in. And I also created like this website called She Means Business Beyond the Book. And it had that 28 day game plan. Ed And it was that you could like literally check off of ten day one. And I had little stars on some days. And on those days you could like unlock a special prize, like it might have been a guided visualization or like a download or something. And so I tried to do as much as I could to get people to read the book and then review the book. And I feel like in doing that, I don’t know, I crave the hype, but it it really got people actually reading it so and then talking about it and then sharing it with other people, which was already amazing.

Chandler Bolt [00:12:44] That’s cool. So the pre-launch bonuses and the challenge, it sounds like were two of the big things that were books. And then one thing you mentioned that’s very interesting because I feel like I think maybe it was an interview with Phil Jones, maybe someone else on this podcast. He talked about a similar, similar thing, which I thought was very fascinating, which was the focus on readers, not buyers. He’s like, Oh, I focus on readers. And it’s a small distinction, right? But he was like, Hey, I focus on getting people to read the book, not just buy the book. Obviously they have to buy the book to read the book, but if they don’t read it, they’re not going to share it. So it’s so interesting seeing that parallel.

Carrie Green [00:13:21] Yeah, I know. And I was so grateful for Reed for sharing that with me so that I could really get like jump on that as soon as the book was released. And this hype of everyone taking their pictures with the book and I create the Shimmies business like Facebook group and all the people like with the book could like come and be together and create a community around the book and get people. Yeah, showering and talking and yeah, most importantly, like reading, reading a book.

Chandler Bolt [00:13:45] That you just passed, you just found out you knew this, you just passed 2000 reviews on the book and.

Carrie Green [00:13:53] Oh, thanks for sharing that with me.

Chandler Bolt [00:13:55] Because I think we find anything, anything that you did special or anything that you’ve seen work that helped get reviews. Um.

Carrie Green [00:14:05] I remember really telling me a guy and he was like, If you can get a thousand really good reviews on, on Amazon, your book will never stop selling. And I was like, I’m on it. And I remember initially when the book came out doing a lot of push around, getting the first set of reviews, I think. I think. Well, I think we did. What did we do? I can’t remember now how we worked, how we did it, but what we emailed out, we did a bunch of stuff to try and get people to leave reviews. I really I can’t remember what stuff we did, but I did a lot of push around that to try and get people to go like, share your thoughts. Tell us what you think. I think that’s.

Chandler Bolt [00:14:54] Part of the challenge of the group maybe. Or, you know, I.

Carrie Green [00:14:57] Yeah. Yes, exactly. Just using that community that we’d built up around the book to go and get people to leave as many as much. And then I think after after that initial push, I’ve never pushed it again since. But I think it’s just. Over time, just probably like, reads as if you’ve got good reviews, then it just keeps ticking along.

Chandler Bolt [00:15:19] So it’s cool. Two things that we’ve seen work well, that might be helpful for you. One is having a link, just a short link. Super simple. Like for my book, it’s published books, some forward slash review. So whatever your your book, your URLs is for slash review and it’s easy place to mention it. If someone says, Hey, I love your book, say Hey, can you just copy and paste? Like a lot of our authors have success with that. And then the other thing that we do is we call it the review sweeper. It’s just an automated email sequence that starts 21 days after they opt in to anything related to the book that says, Hey, how are you? Like in the book? Would you mind leaving review? And so that’s just like kind of one thing we’ve seen a lot of our authors do that just keeps cool, keeps the reviews coming in from people who read the book. So, yeah, it’d be helpful.

Carrie Green [00:16:06] Yes, I will do that.

Chandler Bolt [00:16:08] So you did a I want to talk about the association in SAC, but I couldn’t help but notice you got a head start with over 8 million views. I mean, how in the heck did you do that? That’s awesome.

Carrie Green [00:16:22] I know. What? God, I was so terrified of that. Ted exits saying it was like a thought. I think that was like I thought it was like 800 to 1000 people in the room. It was so big, everyone on these big roundtables. And I was so petrified. And I found that before I’d like done a few little talks before that, my mouth would always get really, really dry to the point where I could barely speak. And I was so nervous about happening. And I remember practicing for that TEDx talk because when they asked me, it was on my vision board to do a TED talk. And literally like a month later I got this email through saying, We’re doing TEDx X, Manchester. Would you be interested in speaking? I was like, like every part of me wanted to, like, say no. But then there was a lot of that. You say yes. And so I said yes. And then I remember practicing one day in the car and I was eating these sweets, and then I realized that I was eating these sweets, that my mouth was like like I was spitting everywhere and I was like, maybe I could put one of these sweets in my mouth, do this TED talk. So I went on that stage with a little gummy bear down in my mouth, but it was such an incredible experience. And you know, the biggest thing from it was after with the after we did it and it went on YouTube, they sent me, sent it to me, and it was called something really terrible like. I don’t even know, like learn, do something or other. Really, really just boring. And I was like, Please, can we change this title? And so I tried to think of a title, but for the next like audience, like would be it captivating and engaging and something that a talk that someone might want, might want to go watch. So I honestly feel like so much of the success is down to the fact that I changed the title. I got them to change the title of the video because we had it been called Rice Original Name. Well, I really don’t think that it would have been as successful as I have it. But yeah, it’s it’s amazing. People still find me to this day through that FedEx talk and messaged me like, I just watched you telex talk and I’m like, Wow, it’s just so, so long ago now.

Chandler Bolt [00:18:20] Yeah, totally. Yeah. I mean, eight years. It looks like eight years ago, 8.6 million views, which is nuts. I mean, my ten songs got way less than that. I think it’s couple hundred thousand views or something. But same thing. Like often it’s the thing that people mention. They’re like, Oh yeah, I saw your TEDx talk when they’re reaching out. So this is so interesting how that’s like a key point for people. And you might be the only person I’ve ever met that gave the talk with a gummy bear in your mouth.

Carrie Green [00:18:49] Oh, my God. I was. I was a bit terrified that I was going to choke on it. But like, thankfully I did. But yeah, I was so nervous. I think that there was somebody backstage with me and he was like, Are you okay? And I was like, Yeah. I was just petrified, absolutely petrified. Like it was just it was such a it was so much pressure because you know what it’s like. You’ve got like, what, 15, 18 minutes to, like, nail it. And it’s like, you better not mess up. And I think because it is a short period of time and I didn’t have actually I did have a couple of sighs, but the bloody little thingy to stop working, it wasn’t working, which they’ve actually cut out. So you can’t tell in the end what the line. But it didn’t work. And then it got through me and I was like, Oh my gosh. So yeah, it was such a great experience. And yeah, it’s led to amazing things.

Chandler Bolt [00:19:39] I don’t know if you can relate to this, but I feel like every other talk that I do, I have, you know, basic slides and bullet points, but I like to have bullets within freedom around that which were the main was 12 minutes. It’s just such a constraint. And then you got to memorize every line and it is so in your head and you miss a line and you miss the line, but no one else knows that you miss the lines. Then you’re just and there’s the like there’s like, you know, there’s people in the room and they’re like and I just remember, like, just overthinking it so much and just I had one person here and one person in the middle and I had one person on the right, and I was like, I’m just going to go you, you, and then you, you and I’m just going to give this talk to you three and then try not to overthink the lines.

Carrie Green [00:20:26] Yeah, it’s so hard. I remember practicing so much and that was my biggest fear, forgetting what I was saying, because I’d practiced it so many times and, you know, I was practicing. There would be moments where I just could not remember what I was about to say next. And it’s bizarre, isn’t it, how when you’re in that frame of mind of giving a talk in that way, the it’s like your mind goes blank and you can’t even think straight. You can’t even put a sentence together. And I also find its way because I’ve this happened to me on stage many times where I will be saying stuff, but in my head I’m like almost having a conversation with myself. So I’m saying something. But then I’m saying I’m thinking in my head, what’s coming next? What’s coming next, Carmen? What’s coming next? What’s coming next? And and I’m still talking. And in my head I’m getting more and more frantic as I’m trying to, like, figure out what the hell comes next. There was this one time my son was four months old, and for some stupid reason I’d agreed to go and do a talk, which was just ridiculous. And I remember stood on that stage and I was just off and and that exact thing happened while I was talking. And in my head I was like, What’s coming next? What’s coming? And I just nothing came. And I just stood there and I watched the ground swallow me up as I could not think for the life of me what I was talking about. And I literally had to say to the audience, I am so sorry, you have to bear with me. I have a four month old at home and I. I completely forgot what I’m talking about. And it’s like, but it was like that moment of like, okay, I’ve said it.

Chandler Bolt [00:21:49] Yes.

Carrie Green [00:21:50] Okay, let me just regather. And it was crazy at the end of that talk, the like all the people that came to speak to me were like, that was so amazing because it was like they really were cheering me on, that that had happened and they had witnessed and they just wanted the best for me. So it’s crazy.

Chandler Bolt [00:22:05] It’s crazy that it would easier for you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that’s like my favorite is like when that when it’s like, All right, let me tell you about these three things. About what? X, y, z. And then you realize in that moment you’re like, I don’t know what the 3D or I could look like about 10 seconds to figure out what these three things are.

Carrie Green [00:22:24] Yeah, I know. It’s just like, why would it be so much so way for like, building these businesses and putting ourselves out there? My gosh.

Chandler Bolt [00:22:33] So tell me about I want to talk about Female Entrepreneurs Association, but then also like kind of going, this seems like the common theme is from idea to reality and successful business. So what are kind of the core some of the core principles and I guess maybe specific for authors, like let’s say I either want to publish a book to grow my business or I’ve already published a book and it’s doing pretty well and I want to build a business off of that, like what are kind of some key principles or things that you’d say that can help folks go from that idea to business days?

Carrie Green [00:23:06] Well, I feel like obviously if you if someone’s written a book and they’ve got it out there and they’ve kind of, you know, been selling it or they’ve got like that audience and it’s like the perfect person, if they haven’t actually built something out on the backend. Like so for me, the biggest thing was building a membership. And I think for an author, if you have that community and you have those people who are already like reading your stuff, then they want to be part of your world and they want to be closer to you and more connected with you. And it’s like, you know, if you find like a really good book, you just want that person in your pocket all the time. And so having a membership is like a really powerful asset that you could build out just to like, extend the community. I always think of the membership like those are your biggest raving fans, those are the people that are there and just, yeah, that you can serve in the most amazing way. And yeah, so I, yeah, I got my membership and it’s also it’s such an incredible business model when you are generating recurring revenue. I’ve always loved it like we have, We have got courses too and obviously they could just take that knowledge and turn it into a course as well. I definitely think now with I, the the value of content in itself is probably going to decrease, decrease. So I do think like for authors and for all of us creative people, you know, content creators, for us the power is going to be the connection. And I think in a membership you can bring that connection, you can have those conversations, you can hold space for like supporting one another in a much more meaningful way. And that’s that’s really powerful. I think that’s what people will want and crave. So yeah, that’s, that’s what I would say. And yeah, and it really doesn’t need to be complicated I think. Yeah. Keeping it simple is, is the key.

Chandler Bolt [00:25:01] Yeah. Now I would assume so, but I want to be sure you already had the Female Entrepreneur association when you when you publish this book, right.

Carrie Green [00:25:10] Yeah, I did. And the membership. Yeah.

Chandler Bolt [00:25:12] How, how has the book helped grow the association of membership?

Carrie Green [00:25:18] The book helped so much because it created visibility on another level and it also created so much more credibility because like, okay, you can have a freebie, which is great. But like the book in the book, people get to know me, people get to connect me. People feel like like that. They feel like they’re my best friend. They feel like such a deep connection. I feel like books are I don’t really know what any other. What else does that like? A book is so personal. You take your book to bed with you like you read it in bed. You take it everywhere with you. It comes with you and it becomes a part. Like when you’re reading a book and you’re in that book, it just becomes part of your world. And it is really incredible. And that for me, that led to obviously so many more people wanting to join the membership, but it was also people that really, truly wanted to be there. It wasn’t like, Oh, what’s this thing? I’ll just sign up and give it a try. It wasn’t that. It was like, I want to be in this world. It’s like, you know, obviously like Gabrielle Bernstein. She’s got her, you know, membership because people love her and love her books and they want to spend more time with Gabby. They I mean, it’s an actually, it was a comment, but but I’m sure that’s like something about more Gabby. But like because people want that they want more connection with her. They want Gabby on their phone or in their world and you know, through the app or whatever, she has like 24 seven. So, yeah, it just really helped me to. Bill so much momentum with growing it.

Chandler Bolt [00:26:50] Mhm. Yeah. That’s great. So how, how have you grown. This is the association, the membership so successfully. I mean it’s crazy. Is there anything that’s worked well.

Carrie Green [00:27:03] So the first two years when I started, yeah, I focused on building up my audience mostly because I was just so in my own way about actually creating a product to sell. I just thought, you know what? I can just show up and help people. I can be of service, I can show up and add value. So for the first two years, that’s really all I did was just show up, add value and give and give and give. And so in those first few years, I built my social media presence. I built my email list. So by the time I’d go out of my own way and decided to create the membership, which was the end of 2013, I had 18,000 people on my email list. I had a social media following of like tens of thousands, and that was a huge, like contributing factor to the success of it because I had those people. And not only that, because I had that audience, I got to co-create the membership with them. So I put out surveys, ask them questions like, Would you want this? Would you be interested in this? Would you pay monthly? Would you pay annually? What do you want? And being able to have that conversation with the community was amazing. And and then I worked really, really hard for the first year of building up membership and got it to a thousand members. I was like, Oh my gosh, I was just selling my guts out like I was the everything of it, like the content creator, the editor, the marketer, like everything. And then by the end of that year, we’d got to just over 1000 members. And I remember thinking to myself, I need a mentor. I need to figure out who’s doing memberships and if I can learn from. And I remember finding Michael here. And so I reached out to say, like, could I get mentoring with you? And he said, Oh, I don’t have any spaces available. And then I was telling a friend of mine and she was like, You know what? Steve McClaren is his strategic business partner. I was like, Who’s Steve McClaren? And she was like, Oh, you should get in touch with him. So I started emailing Steve McClaren and I was like, by telling him and I emailed an email and I wasn’t hearing back. And then eventually I heard I can he’d been like doing a launch or something. And so I ended up booking a VIP day with him going over to Canada and we did this VIP day and he was like telling me all about launches and he was like, You need to close enrollment because I had just had it open the whole time so people could join whenever they wanted. He was like, I need to close enrollment. You need to launch. And I was like, Oh my gosh. Okay. So I remember close the enrollment. And we did I did a launch that like June time and we had 1200 people join in the space of seven days. And I was like, Bloody hell, we got more people joining in seven days than we had in first year. And I was like, okay, launching really works. So I think it was just like. Just a case of I, I always think this I think successes at one giant leap. It’s just a series of tiny little steps. And if you just keep taking those tiny little steps and asking for help along the way, you will like have the big breakthroughs. So I think that’s just like the story of it is just a starting out of like. Being of service. How can I be helpful building that audience? Getting myself out there, being visible? I’m building momentum that way. And it’s I mean, I mean, you know, this I mean, it’s unbelievable what you can achieve, isn’t it, when you. Dive into this online world. Like the possibilities are ridiculous.

Chandler Bolt [00:30:21] In the consistency of whether you talk about the consistency and continuing to take steps forward. Because I think a lot of times people think, hey, this can be an overnight success and it’s going to happen instantly. And then when it doesn’t. I’m super discouraged and frustrated and maybe this is it for me. Yeah, right. And so just that consistency of of showing, of adding value and taking the next steps and learning from someone who not happened. Right. Learning from someone who’s who’s been where you want to be. Yeah. That seems like that was a big kind of jumping off point. This has been awesome. Carrie And what would be kind of your parting piece of advice for the Carrie from years ago before you wrote your book and maybe even just specifically for female entrepreneurs and authors who are thinking about taking that leap into writing their book or launching your business.

Carrie Green [00:31:08] I feel like, okay, I’ve got it. This is one thing that actually this has really, really helped me, But I think it’s important. I really feel like all of us have a story to share, even though we often don’t recognize it in ourselves. And for me, one of the things I’m most grateful that I did was keep a journal. And it might sound really boring, but I wrote that journal as if I was writing the story of my life. And as I wrote the journal, I put on the first page The Diary of a Female Entrepreneur 2011. And it’s around December. And I wrote that journal like I was writing a book, and I knew that one day the things I’d written would go in a book and that someone would read them and what happened? And I look at that journal and I was reading it back recently, still some stuff around it. So I’ve got two of them. But I’d kept in the earlier days that go from me struggling and pouring tears into the journal to having a little breakthrough to documenting making my first million. And it’s incredible. And I think if everyone opens themselves up to go on this journey of possibilities and opportunities and like what could be possible for me if I just go for it. And then deciding I’m going to write my story, I’m going to document this knowing that one day someone is going to read that, they’re going to read your words. I’m going to feel so inspired by it. I think it’s a really powerful thing to do. And, you know, it can will help you enormously when you do come round to writing your book. So I think that what you would say.

Chandler Bolt [00:32:38] It’s cool. That’s cool story. So, Carrie, where can people go to get a copy of your book to find out about the association or wherever it would be most helpful?

Carrie Green [00:32:47] The book is on Amazon or wherever in bookstores, and I’m on Instagram. I am Carrie Green and all the other info is from the website https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/.

Chandler Bolt [00:33:01] Awesome. Carrie, this is so great. Thank you so much.

Carrie Green [00:33:03] Thank you so much

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