SPS 183: Writing A “Hybrid” Memoir & Taking The Unconventional Path with Mary Lawless Lee

Posted on Nov 9, 2022

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Home > Blog > Podcast > SPS 183: Writing A “Hybrid” Memoir & Taking The Unconventional Path with Mary Lawless Lee

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Chandler Bolt [00:00:02] Hey, Chandler Bolt here. And joining me today is my new friend, Mary Lawless Leigh. Mary, she’s a mother, she’s a writer, she’s an entrepreneur and a digital media personality. She runs a fashion and lifestyle blog. Maybe you’ve heard of it. Maybe you’re one of the millions of followers that’s part of her happily gray lifestyle and fashion blog. She’s also an author of the book. By the time you’re seeing this, it will either have just came out or be about to come out. And so the book is called Happily Gray. You can see it here. This is in advance of your copy. This is not for sale. And I had to I had hit this funny, Mary. I had to keep this from my girlfriend so I could have it for this interview. She lost her work in the ICU. Grew up in Texas. Like Fleetwood Mac. I through this book, I’m like, it’s ivory. You got to read like this. This is you. You have so much in common with this girl. Oh, really? Cause I’m excited to have you here.

Mary Lawless [00:01:02] I’m excited to be here. This is an honor. And I’m. You know, I’ve been nerding out in book world for the last two years, so I’m excited to kind of talk about, like, the back end process of creating a book, a book and bringing it to life. Thank you so much.

Chandler Bolt [00:01:16] We were talking before this. This is you know, this is unique kind of behind the scenes, a lot of podcasts and talking about the content of the book. Today we get to talk about the book and the behind the scenes on writing it, marketing it, launching it, all that stuff. So I’m excited to dove in, I guess for starters, why? Why a book? Like, how does this fit in with the you’ve got this successful brand, you’ve got the Instagram following, you’ve got the blog, like all of these things, my book.

Mary Lawless [00:01:43] So for me, well, why not? I’ll start it kind of as a little girl, I loved writing. I journaled. I mean, I remember, like, 12 years old being up at one that past bedtime as my peers already put me in bed and I’m up at 1 a.m. writing. I love to write. It always was a place of connection and safety and comfort. And I just it was just such a a practice that has carried me all through life. And that’s the reason why I started my brand Happily Gray in the first place, literally paid it, paid one of my friends $50, created the website just so I could start writing about fashion. I was very, very into fashion and still am. And so that that was really kind of the passion. It was a passion project. And I’ve it’s always carried me through life and I just knew, you know, having having a brand on social media and, you know, social media can always feel like highlight reel one side of the story and some of these other kind of more messy parts of my life. And speaking more into the journey of kind of getting there, I knew I wanted to write a book and reserve some of those more vulnerable special stories for sacred place to be, then to be able to open up this, this, this conversation and community and connection on social media. And so this has just always been kind of a big picture, a know dream of mine. I remember seven years ago telling my management team when I first day we saw, I signed with them, I want to write a book of all the long term goals. I really want to write a book. And we have been down this journey, you know, pitching to publishers and talking about this idea for so long. And and finally, the right the right, you know, proposition came our way. And so it was just it’s been exciting because this really is something that my heart was passionate about and something I wanted to pursue. And specifically, the why behind this book is really about being able to tell the other side of the story. I think it’s really important within the culture and social media world that we live in, that women are specifically women. This book is written for women that they see all sides of the story and they see that it’s not just the pretty picture. There’s messiness, there’s hardships. There’s, you know, the the parts that the struggles of just getting getting there and the journey. And so this book really leans into some of those stories that, you know, people don’t know about my life. And so I hope that, you know, I really hope that women will feel a little seen and heard and understood. I hope that they’ll identify with some of these stories and, you know, and ultimately just not feel as alone in whatever whatever journey and path that they’re on.

Chandler Bolt [00:04:23] That’s awesome. And so I guess as you look at this through the lens of, you know, your blog and business and stuff, we always talk about there’s the purpose for the reader and then there’s the purpose for the author. And it’s important that you nail both, right? So that you have a great book that helps people. And then you have a great book that fulfills the intention that you as the author, as you see, this is was this more of like a, hey, this is a passion project on the side thing? Is this more of a like have you this is a core piece of the business that’s going to really drive the brand in the following like how does it fit in with kind of your business goals?

Mary Lawless [00:04:57] So, you know, a little bit of both, but I do think business wise. I think that the number one goal with this book was connection building deeper connections. I come from a background of nursing. I was a critical care nurse prior to kind of like falling in this digital world and and pursuing my passion. And I, you know, a lot of that meaning and connection and a lot of that foundation that I had with nursing, I wanted to find that that same meaning in what I’m doing now in this digital world. And I, I really felt like being able to tell the other side of my story and, and, and being able to step into that vulnerability would open the door for that connection with other women. And like I said, it’s always been something I knew I would do. I didn’t know what it would look like, but I knew at some point I would do it in some capacity in order to be able to connect with women. So definitely an intentional piece of the brand in order to broaden our community and create deeper connections.

Chandler Bolt [00:05:58] That’s cool. And you mentioned ever since your little writing and knowing that you wanted to do this for a long time, writing this book. Why now? What was the spark where it’s like, okay, now is the time to write and publish this book.

Mary Lawless [00:06:11] You know, I’ve done a lot of work. I mean, a lot of the tonight we get too deep into these stories. A lot of these stories are very vulnerable. And I’ve had to do a decade’s worth of work, kind of, you know, getting to a place where I felt that I was ready to kind of step in and share. And I think that this was kind of the perfect timing. I felt a real like a just a piece about, you know, this is the time, this is the moment. And, you know, I would say that was kind of generally in the last year and a half. And we were more intent for with, you know, our approach and and and pushing this agenda of wanting to publish in the last year and a half, as we have compared to like how we have been in the last five years. But yeah, I just, you know, I think that writing a book is such a hard process has been through that process. No, I mean, it takes over your life like it’s been a real hard process. And emotionally, I just felt like, okay, I’m ready, I’m here. I’m ready to really step in and be involved in this process and commit to this, you know, journey so that mentally, emotionally, you know, I was ready for that. And I am so like I, I craved that connection. And so and I knew in order to get to that, that place, a feeling connected to my community, I was going to have to open up the door. And I feel like a lot of times social media, you know, stepping into those vulnerable moments in social media can kind of feel like you’re just like, you know, like communicating, whereas instead of connecting. And that’s why I wanted to reserve these stories for a sacred place like my book. And in order to, you know, then be able to have some of these more powerful connecting conversations online.

Chandler Bolt [00:07:56] That’s awesome. That’s really cool. Now, would you. So looking looked like looking, looking to this book. I feel like you’re very intentional about. First off, there’s a lot of pictures and it’s very visually stimulating and just really easy to read. And so I think it’s probably visual design background like kind of from Instagram, from the blog, all that kind of flowing into this of of having great content, but that’s also engaging and easy to read. And so all that to say, all that to ask is, I mean, I think this would be considered a memoir, but it also feels like it has, you know, like there’s there’s very specific actionable things. And you could do a good job of like kind of blocking that out where it’s okay. Here’s how this story will be helpful for you. How what was your intention behind that and how did you balance that? Because I think sometimes you would just go heavy memoir, this is my story or heavy self-help. I don’t want to weave in maybe a couple of stories where they’re helpful, but just from from going through the book, it feels like there’s a good kind of throughline on both sides. How did you do that?

Mary Lawless [00:09:08] Yeah. So, you know, the first meeting with my publisher, I presented to ideas, I presented a memoir and I presented a coffee table book. And the more we talked about it as a team, the more it kind of was clear because I kept saying I wanted to I want the reader to that want there to be takeaways. I want there to be like actionable things that they can take away, solutions that we’re providing or or that I’m lending just for my journey that I learned. I didn’t want it to feel like I was just telling my story. But, you know, also placing like little bits of of like little nuggets of like, this is what got me through. This is what helped me here. You know, here’s my shortcut to getting x, y, z. So I, but I didn’t want it to feel like how to or cheesy because I wanted it to have that depth and that emotion of being able to tell my story. So it was really a fine balance, but the more we talked about it as a team, we kind of realized that it was going to be this hybrid and and designs always been really important to me. It’s a big part of Happily Gray, my brand, and I think people expect that from me. And so we we decided it would be like half memoir, have coffee table, it would have design elements to it. And so we kind of had this foundation, this like outlook of like, okay, this is, this is what we’re going to do. And then I got into the process, I started writing and it definitely landed more and more. It was definitely lent in more intimate than I think what any of us really thought. But, you know, that’s also part of the journey. I leaned into that that was like what was seeming to not flow the most naturally. And then the way my book is structured, it’s 12 chapters of short stories, followed by sections of keepsakes. And the keepsakes are really short. They are like kind of the fun take away pieces of it. So it’s, yeah, it was important to me that there was like a little bit of that solution take away moment for the reader so that we’re offering them something, not just telling me my story, but they’re able to apply that in their lives if they want. And so it was important that that was the structure. So that’s kind of how we approached it. And I had a co-writer who helped me through this process because the one thing I will say is writing a book is very, very different than a blog post or journaling or or copyrighting for Instagram or, you know, whatever it is, it’s, it takes a village like it takes a lot of dedication, takes a lot of time. And stepping into this author role and my first time at this, that was invaluable. Her name is Shannon Miller, and she’s this angel on earth. I mean, we the connection we had, it was just divine. And God said, but she was such a pivotal role and kind of helped coaching me through this process and helping me structure and editing and helping me really bring these stories to life. And that was just a tremendous piece to the puzzle for me.

Chandler Bolt [00:12:05] That’s great. You mentioned that writing a great book is different from blogging. It’s different from, you know, social media posts and stuff. Which are your background? What did you what did you learn in that process and how do you see those as different?

Mary Lawless [00:12:22] So, you know, to this to this point, I have not really stepped into that vulnerability like I did in my book. My brand to this point has been, you know, more surface. We do a lot of brand partnerships. We talk a lot about beauty and fashion. And so, you know, this was the first moment of really stepping into that vulnerability. So that was really one of the most challenging aspects at first was, you know, being comfortable in that space and and kind of like pushing continue to push myself and dig deeper, dig deeper to be able to really like stretch and give it all of the emotional and mental capacity and energy that it deserved. That was one of the toughest parts that I had to kind of adapt and get used to because that’s not used. I don’t generally share that. It’s more of like, you know how to dress in this way, how to do this, you know? And it’s more surface stuff, you know, stuff that’s like more about discovery and inspiring. So this was a totally different approach. I was telling my story. It was like peeling back the layers of my heart. So there was soul searching because I would kind of get into it and I would be doing it. And then my leg, you know, head and in my like more by business hat comes on and then you kind of lose the essence. And so then I have been trying to put that aside. This is your heart. This is the other side of the story. So it was, you know, like it took me a bit to get into that that rhythm.

Chandler Bolt [00:13:57] I feel like, especially for people that are writing a memoir about personal life experience, it’s so relatable because it’s it’s sometimes it’s free. I call it free therapy. It’s a therapeutic of distilling. What do I really think? Because I’m writing it into text that will then be for a while. And and so I guess my follow up to that would be how did you do that? And any thoughts for people who are maybe wrestling with that same thing of like, okay, I want to dove deeper and be more vulnerable in my writing. It’s difficult. I’ve got my business hat on. I’ve got like these this soul searching that needs to happen. How did you do that? Anything you learned that would be helpful for folks?

Mary Lawless [00:14:39] Yeah, for sure. So you’re right, that that is that is the hard part. And I will say so just something simple. I always wrote in the same place in my house, we have this little like it’s not a screened in porch, but there’s a lot of natural light, there’s a lot of windows, and we call it our music room. Neither of us are musicians. I don’t know why we call it the music room, but I would all I had that was like a peaceful place in our house as a quiet place. And I always wrote in that room and so that, you know, that even alone, like having that that like place where you can go and kind of put it all aside to step in something more in the vulnerability, you know, you’re right. You’re 100% right when you say it’s therapeutic. I had friends while I was writing the book and in the process I would ask me like, How are you doing? How’s it going? What is it like? And I tell them, I’m like, I’m in therapy right now. Like stepping back into these stories and reliving these moments. I talk about my divorce. I talk about just a lot of heavy moments, and it really was like, wow, my mood would kind of while we were in that that specific chapter, my mood would be reflective of where I was because I you really have to go back in time and relive those moments in order to be able to write about them in that way, to go that deep and to peel back the layers. And so, yeah, it was it was like therapy. I did go to therapy through this process that also helped and and being able to stay connected with that with the process and to trust the process. And the other thing I’ll say is, so at the time I was writing this book, we were also launching my skin care brand, Neema, and I was four months postpartum with my second child, so life was crazy. I had had a two year old and like a four month old, and then we were launching this other company. I was writing this book. It just kind of all happened at once. Did not plan for it too, but it was just life was so crazy. And I was just I felt so stretched to the max. And I halfway through the book in October, I took five days off and I went and I went to this place called on site, which is 60 miles outside of Nashville. And I’m not sure if you heard of it, but I did this like it was this group therapy. And a lot of it is like deep soul searching, work, recentering, and that was invaluable to me to be able to get through this process and stay connected because that’s that was the the the hard part because because I alongside writing this book, I still had a company to run. And so you’re kind of juggling a lot. You’re in you’re in the like the emotional trenches with this book. But then you also have to I had to pop out and do all of this, like, you know, were day to day business work. So, yeah, that really helped whether and I think, you know, whether it’s therapy, whether it’s a friend, whether you can you can take, you know, three days to go do a program. I had a I had a friend that was also writing a book. At the same time, she did a creative program that was really focused on connecting creatively to her book, that that really helped in the process of writing the type of book she was writing. So I think that you really have to be mindful of having those things in place because the process can be so draining and so emotional if it’s that, you know, if it’s that type of book.

Chandler Bolt [00:18:01] Yeah, well, kind of juggling a lot. I mean, a four month old, a two year old. I’m launching a new great book. Yeah.

Mary Lawless [00:18:09] Oh, yeah. Not all that’s.

Chandler Bolt [00:18:11] Kind of being kind of juggling a lot.

Mary Lawless [00:18:15] It it all fell. It all fell into the same. It all kind of happened at the same time. And but I will say, writing this book was such a joy. Like, it was such a joy. I mean, it truly was therapy. There was it was just it was it was a lovely process. And I’m so thankful. Like, I’m just so thankful that I got to go through that journey. It was my favorite time of the day and also getting to be with Shannon, my co-writer, that was with like just the synergy we had. And so I have a deep, deep gratitude for the process of it all.

Chandler Bolt [00:18:51] And you mentioned a piece that was really interesting I haven’t considered before. You know, talking about a book as free therapy. But then you talked about also going through therapy while you’re writing the book is a way to almost improve your writing. Were you going through that beforehand? And then also, was there any particular process that was helpful? Like, were you going there to talk about stories that you were then going to be writing about? Or was it just more organic life stuff? Like how did those two kind of dovetail together?

Mary Lawless [00:19:21] Yeah, so so I’ve always, you know, not I wouldn’t say consistently done therapy, tried that to try to, but I’m the person that like I’ll go consistently for, you know, three months and then I get kind of like then I’m like one month one every couple of months. But through this process and I didn’t plan this, but when I started writing this book, I was going into therapy and I realized how much that was that was helping the process, helping me get through these deeper, darker chapters. And even the ones that having to go back to my childhood that were beautiful to write like it was helping me kind of along that journey. And so I started going consistently. So it wasn’t a new something new that I adapted. I was just more consistent with it through writing the year that it took to write this book. And so I just would highly recommend it. I would go once a week and yeah, we would talk about specifically where I was with that because that was also again like to write to get to to really peel back the layers, you have to be there a job emotionally. And so that was what we ended up talking about in my therapy sessions and kind of going back to and and the discovery aspect of it. Like when I was writing about my divorce, you know, discovering more pieces to the story. As you know, that was 12 years ago and now I’m 35 and reliving it again with a new perspective. And so there was kind of a discovery element to a few of these chapters that I was like, wow, okay. And, you know, that’s the process about life. You know, you go through it with each decade. You know, you have a new perspective that life gives you. And so reflecting back on these stories as I relive them, it really yeah. We talked about it and therapy a lot.

Chandler Bolt [00:21:05] That’s cool. You said that these therapy sessions that reminds me of an F, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of him. He has this album in song called Therapy Sessions, and then it talks kind of songs about how a lot of his songs are therapy sessions in these writing sessions. And it’s interesting to see those parallels between music and books. I mean, and if if you knew this or if I mentioned this, but my brother plays in a Grammy nominated rock and roll band called Need to Breathe. They’re based out of Nashville.

Mary Lawless [00:21:37] Wait, wait. Who’s your brother?

Chandler Bolt [00:21:39] Seth Bolt. Bass player. Long hair.

Mary Lawless [00:21:42] Yes. I don’t I don’t know him specifically, but I know Wilder. Who? Yeah, yeah, I’ve actually Uber. Yeah, I’ve done. Wait, his son’s name are Walden Woods. That’s right. And now his new gig as part of its.

Chandler Bolt [00:21:57] Out.

Mary Lawless [00:21:58] There is amazing. And his wife Mary and their friends that.

Chandler Bolt [00:22:02] I wrote book I didn’t know that that’s awesome well it’s always cool to look at those can like kind of those connections that I’m always really curious about this connections between music and and books and stuff. That’s really cool. Small world. Hey, couple more questions for you I’m curious about. So you you were very intentional about including pictures and images in the book and in specifically color pictures. And this is obviously big advantage of traditional publishing. And my experience a lot of times with self-publishing, it’s just so cost prohibitive that it doesn’t make sense. And I know it’s probably still, you know, has affected some of the stuff on the traditional side of things, too. So what was that a non-negotiable for you? If so, why? And was there anything that that made life more difficult or. I think it obviously affected the pricing strategy and all that stuff. But any lessons learned from that or thoughts on that?

Mary Lawless [00:23:01] Definitely so it was a nonnegotiable for me because that’s such a big part of my brand. My brand is is rooted in content creation and the picture. And so I wanted there to be some visual aspect to this book, and I also wanted to be able to share pictures with my audience that they’ve never seen before. So 60% of this book is an unpublished, unseen content that we’ve been capturing either from childhood in pictures I’ve never shared or that we captured in the last two years, because that’s just such a big part. That’s the heart of my brand, and I think that’s what people expect. And a big part of, you know, the way we shoot and the way the lighting and the creative behind the pictures, I hope tells a story. And that’s kind of how we’ve always approached the visual aspect of my brand is, yes, the words are important, but so is the picture we. Want people to look at these pictures and to feel and to have that emotional response to it. So yeah, we it’s layered with a good amount of pictures, I will say the first time. So I was like very involved in the design side of the book as well. I worked hand-in-hand with the design team and the back and forth midnight, like with all the edits back and forth, all the little details, and we started with like triple the amount of pictures. And the first time I got to step back and read the book for Joy, we deleted like 60% of that because I was like, okay, now this is taking away from the process of reading the book and the experience of being able to really let these stories have a moment. And so, yeah, that was just kind of a learning curve too, of like, what is the perfect balance, you know, where it feels like enough to give the visual, you know, element to tell that story, but then not to take away from the words. So that was a learning curve for sure. And with what you’re saying, it is costly to print in color. And so that was kind of one of those upfront conversations because I worked with the publisher on that and we had that a deal structure there. That was one of the things I from the beginning, I was like, this is really, really important to me and I think it’s important to the success of this book.

Chandler Bolt [00:25:15] Let’s ask the last couple of questions I have for you. I’d like to shift gears a bit to the marketing side of things. What are the two or three things that you’re really focused on to market the book successfully?

Mary Lawless [00:25:29] So we’re doing a podcast book tour.

Chandler Bolt [00:25:32] Which is Here we are.

Mary Lawless [00:25:34] I am I am here. Yeah, exactly. We’re also doing, thank goodness, post-pandemic. We’re doing a physical book tour, which I’m really excited about. We’re doing Eight Cities, and I think this book is the heart of it is about connection. So I’m excited that we are able to have those moments in-person with women. We are splitting the smaller, which I think are really strategic. This is a book club. So we have a group of 200 people that we we are creating exclusive content for. They have free digital copies that they’ve they’ve gotten to read up front and they’re helping like with reviews and helping to kind of be my champion, this book and be my be my crew. And so that’s been really cool. We also hired a book, PR, that has helped specifically with book coming into this this process of kind of not knowing a lot about how to successfully market a book. They have been an asset there to kind of guide us through this process. And a lot of that has been more you know, it’s more press focused. So they are they’re helping with things like paid media around social post to help boost things. And then also with our with our book tour where we’re targeting specific cities while we’re there with that paid media. And then which will be interesting, I’m not there yet, so it’ll be interesting to see, you know, the response, how big of a difference that makes. You know, we’re about to start that process. So it’ll be interesting to see the resources that are going into what really what really is the, you know, moves it moves the needle on my social, you know, we’re doing things like weekly chapter summaries. I mean, the the theme right now is all about the book, where I’m speaking directly in stories about the book, sharing the moments, trying to really create the conversation. And we, my internal team, has a full calendar of events that kind of happen. Giveaways like intimate Q&A is we have different lives with with special guests where we’re talking about either topics of the book like motherhood and business and whatnot. And so we’ve layered in some of those moments as well. So I don’t know. We’ll see. We’ve got a lot going on and trying a lot of different things. I will say the one the last thing we’re doing is instead of leaning so heavily on social media, we are trying to connect with community groups of women in the cities on our book tour. So like, you know, I think so. Social media, the algorithm is so frustrating. And, you know, there’s a lot of people have such a limited access to see my content. So we’re really trying to connect with different organizations and communities to bring them into co-hosting events with them to help boost our foot traffic. So yeah, again, this is all new and it hasn’t quite gone into action yet, so we’ll see how it works. But those are some of the tactics that we’re using.

Chandler Bolt [00:28:40] That’s cool behind the scenes. You heard it here first. So we got we got a book tour, a city book tour, got PR and publicity. We got the podcast tour. And then you talked about the book club. We call that a launch team, which I know I mentioned. I sent you a copy of this book. Check out chapter 15 specific to last names. And just like there might be one or two things in there that as you’re getting ready with the launch team, that’ll help. And specifically with reviews like that’s a big thing, right? Getting as many of those 200 folks as possible to review on day one. Right. Great. That will be really helpful. I love the idea of book. I feel like with a book like yours, too. I love the idea of true book clubs in the sense of you can enable like this might be a post launch a week or two after the launch, but having a facilitated book club kind of curriculum and then groups of women can buy end because in your it’s one too many right you’re making one sale that turns into 20 or 30 sales that then sparks community around the thing. I feel like.

Mary Lawless [00:29:49] That’s a great.

Chandler Bolt [00:29:49] Todd did a great job of that. You wrote a book called Relationship Goals, and he didn’t. I mean, he’s a pastor, so there’s kind of that natural built in like, all right, let’s embed this into some of our community groups in the church and that sort of thing. But I feel like with especially this topic in the audience that you have, that could be I feel like they’re going to go, Wow.

Mary Lawless [00:30:10] That’s a great idea. I need to download the audio book a two. Is it called Published?

Chandler Bolt [00:30:14] Published.

Mary Lawless [00:30:15] Published. I need to start reading that audio after this podcast.

Chandler Bolt [00:30:19] Keep the conversation going in the audiobook. Yeah. Yeah. And this this should get your house probably within the next few days, I would assume. But hey, we’re almost out of time here. This isn’t so great. What would be kind of your parting piece of advice for the manly, lawless of years ago? Are all the other Marys out there who are thinking about writing their first book, whether it be a memoir or elsewhere, kind of knowing what you know now, what would be your path?

Mary Lawless [00:30:49] I think it’s supposed to be difficult like it, and to expect that and to lean into that and know that if you’re struggling, if you get stuck, that it’s that’s normal and that’s okay. I felt that way so many times. And and sometimes I had to, like, step away from it, put it down for a bit before I could pick it back up and be able to feel creative enough and ready to pour into the process again. And then my other piece of advice is, depending on the structure of how you’re publishing this book and the resources, I found that whether you want to have someone help with the process, there’s a lot of different capacities that what that could look like. And at first have you cowriter made me nervous. I was like, I like to control everything. This is my story. I really want to. And and, you know, there is so many different ways you can structure that the involvement level. And I will say as a new author, having someone help me structure this book and edit this book and guide me was invaluable. So again, I’m saying Shannon’s praises several times through this podcast, but it’s true. That was as a new author embarking on this journey that was such a such a big piece of the puzzle for me. I’m really glad that I that that we we had her here and it was invaluable.

Chandler Bolt [00:32:14] That’s awesome. Well, this has been great. I just realize I’ve been calling you Mary Lee Loftis.

Mary Lawless [00:32:20] Now it’s Mary.

Chandler Bolt [00:32:22] Lawless. Lee, it rolls off the journal.

Mary Lawless [00:32:25] Yeah. So. Okay, whatever. I’ll go by. Whatever.

Chandler Bolt [00:32:28] Yeah, I always say call me whatever you want as long as you call me.

Mary Lawless [00:32:32] Exactly. Exactly right.

Chandler Bolt [00:32:34] Oh, my gosh. Well, this has been great, Mary. Where can people go to buy a copy of the book? Yeah, to find out more about your brand and what you’re up to.

Mary Lawless [00:32:44] So Mary Lawless Lee on social media is just my full name. And there’s, there’s a link in my bio directly to the Amazon page for for book. We’re also selling the book at small bookstores, big bookstores lot all over Target, Barnes Noble, Books-A-Million Here in Nashville, it’s Parnassus, but also Shop Happily Gray, as is the landing book page. And that tells you a book tour. There’s a book trailer you can go watch to give you a little bit more depth and background on the book and anything that you need. It’s all on that landing page.

Chandler Bolt [00:33:22] Cool or happily gray stories, souvenirs and everyday wonders from life. From the life in between. Mary Lawless Lee, you can see her on Instagram or go to it. You said it was shop happily gray dot com.

Mary Lawless [00:33:39] https://www.shophappilygrey.com/

Chandler Bolt [00:33:42] Well, check it out. It’s engaging. It’s relatable. It’s. Got great pictures as he talked about.

Mary Lawless [00:33:50] Thank you.

Chandler Bolt [00:33:51] I think it’s really, really cool. So, Mary, you’re awesome. Thank you so much.

Mary Lawless [00:33:54] Thank you, chandler. Excited to be here. Thank you so much.

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