How This Busy Mom Got Published & Inspired Her Kids to Publish Too

Posted on Nov 26, 2019

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Written by Bella Rose Pope

Home > Blog > Children's Book, Pro Author > How This Busy Mom Got Published & Inspired Her Kids to Publish Too

Yes, even a busy mom with kids and a life at home can write and publish a book successfully without sacrificing time with her kids.

In fact, your kids may even be inspired to write and publish a book themselves! And yes, it is possible.

Our student and thriving mom, Anita Oommen, is living, breathing proof.

The downside is that your kids may just want to write and publish many books after getting a taste of it once (and you will as well!).

Maybe you’ve wanted to write a book for years, maybe even decades like many of our students.

But fear keeps getting in the way.

Fear that you won’t be able to write the book.

Fear that you don’t know what to write about.

Fear that the process will bring you further from your children and home life you’ve worked so hard to maintain.

But imagine this…

Busy Mom Got Published

Despite all of those fears and doubts, you put bravery first and decide to take action and, like Anita, and you find the process easier than you imagined with the right program and it actually brings you closer to your kids.

So much so that they feel inspired by your bravery, and motivated that they can write and publish a book too!

Over 80% of people say they want to write a book…but the fact is that only about 2% ever do for so many reasons like the doubts and fears Anita faced.

And yet she did it, and succeeded so much so that her children jumped on board, each publishing one book themselves.

All because she signed up for Self-Publishing School.

Breaking Through Fear and Doubt to Write and Publish a Book

Imposter syndrome is real. It’s a pain that holds back even the most brilliant of people from pursuing something they might otherwise succeed in.

Anita faced just the same struggle.

“One of the main things that I battled with is that I wasn’t good enough to do anything, let alone write a book. And that was one of the major lies I battled with for four decades of my life.”

Fear has a way of taking even the best of ideas we have and turning them into a pipe dream, one we never really think we can achieve, out of our reach and untouchable.

But the thing is: fear doesn’t run your life, your actions and decisions do.

No matter what fear is trying to whisper in your ear, you can choose to act against it, and toward your dreams and goals.

For Anita, all it took was the action of searching for help, for the know-how of all things book publishing in order to make this goal of hers a reality.

“Fear says ‘live in a straight jacket,’ but brave is taking action.”

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Taking Action is Confronting Your Fears Head-On

One of the first things Anita took action on was researching how she could write and publish her book, with no knowledge of what was needed in the first place.

When her research led her to Chandler Bolt’s free training, she was hooked.

“I heard Chandler Bolt, and listened in, and was all in.”

This simple thing, signing up for free training, was the catalyst that led her to publish her book Picking Up The Shards, a story involving fear and doubt itself.

And it was what led her own children to each publish a book of their own, at 11-years-old and in kindergarten!

Leveraged Impact on Her Family

Here at Self-Publishing School, we talk a lot about leveraged impact. It’s the idea that by writing a book, you can impact several people.

Yourself, by accomplishing a goal and something arduous.

You impact those in your immediate surroundings like friends and family.

You impact strangers who find your book, read it, and are changed because of it.

And they impact their friends and family because of you and your book, and the cycle continues, until your leveraged impact reaches corners of people’s lives you maybe never even imagined.

For Anita, this impact was direct. She inspired her children to each publish a book.

“I started writing and the kids were like, ‘I think I can write a book too!'”

The impact this will have on her children is expansive. Not only can they say they’re published authors, but the confidence this has given them, the insight into how they can inspire others will be carried with them throughout their life.

Alaina Oommen, at only 11-years-old, already has a taste of this for herself.

“It’s really changed my life because most 11-year-olds aren’t exactly like, a published author and it’s just an amazing feeling when someone actually just runs up to you and says, ‘I read your book, and it inspired me.’ Because that was the whole point of even writing my book.”

Busy Mom Publish Book

Not only does Alaina, at 11, have a professional piece of work she created, but she’s also already seeing this concept of leveraged impact in action.

Just imagine where this will carry her and her brother in life now that they know what’s possible.

Their lives are already forever changed.

At Self-Publishing School, we’re in the business of changing lives and helping others achieve the same.

Will your life be changed next?

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Published: The proven path from blank page to 10,000 copies sold 

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