Best Western Fiction Writers: 30+ Options Here

Posted on Jul 31, 2023

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Written by P.J McNulty

Home > Blog > Best Books, Fiction > Best Western Fiction Writers: 30+ Options Here

Western fiction, often synonymous with tales of cowboys, outlaws, and the rugged landscapes of the American frontier, has long held a firm place in literature.

These stories evoke powerful images of life on the Western frontier, focusing on themes such as justice, morality, survival, and human resilience. Through the works of a host of remarkable authors, the genre has transcended its traditional boundaries to explore the wider human experience.

The genre has been shaped and enhanced by a plethora of authors who each bring a unique perspective and style. In this article, we delve into the diverse world of Western fiction, presenting over thirty notable authors whose books have defined, challenged, and evolved the genre.

These authors, with their distinct voices, offer compelling narratives that continue to captivate audiences, and contribute significantly to the richness and breadth of Western fiction.

Early Roots and Influential Works

Western fiction traces its origins back to the 19th century with pioneers like James Fenimore Cooper, whose ‘Leatherstocking Tales’ introduced audiences to the drama and grandeur of the frontier.

Over time, the genre expanded to include tales of pioneering spirit, outlaw gunfighters, and stoic lawmen. These narratives, set against the backdrop of the untamed West, found an eager readership, setting the stage for the emergence of Western fiction as a genre.

Evolution Over Time and Key Milestones

  1. The popularization of ‘Dime Novels’ in the late 19th century that brought Western fiction to the masses.
  2. The rise of authors like Zane Grey in the early 20th century, whose romanticized tales of the West became immensely popular.
  3. The shift towards more complex narratives and characters in the mid-20th century, as seen in the works of Louis L’Amour.
  4. The advent of ‘Revisionist Westerns’ in the late 20th century that challenged traditional genre conventions.
  5. The resurgence of the genre in the 21st century through a blend of traditional and contemporary themes.

Consistency in Quality of Writing and Storytelling

A key factor in choosing the best Western fiction writers is the consistency in the quality of their writing and storytelling. This quality is reflected not just in their language and style, but also in their ability to weave compelling narratives that captivate readers. The consistency signifies the author’s mastery of the genre and their dedication to their craft.

Impact on the Genre

Another crucial aspect is the author’s impact on the genre. This refers to how their work has contributed to shaping Western fiction, whether by introducing new themes, challenging existing tropes, or inspiring other writers. Their work should have a transformative effect that transcends the conventions of the genre.

Popularity Among Readers

Popularity among readers is another determinant. Best-selling books and high ratings are indicative of the author’s ability to engage readers and resonate with them. This popularity often reflects the author’s skill in crafting relatable characters, engaging plots, and memorable settings.

Recognition by Awards and Critics

Finally, recognition by awards and critics lends credence to an author’s work. This could range from winning renowned literary awards to positive reviews by critics. Such recognition suggests that the author’s work has been scrutinized by industry professionals and found to be of exceptional quality.

30 Best Western Fiction Writers

  1. Louis L’Amour: Known for his distinctive style, L’Amour brought the Wild West to life in over 100 novels and 400 short stories. His books are a testament to his deep respect and knowledge of the frontier.
  2. Larry McMurtry: An author and screenwriter, McMurtry’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, “Lonesome Dove”, is celebrated as one of the greatest Westerns of all time.
  3. Zane Grey: A dentist turned author, Grey’s romanticized tales of the Old West, such as “Riders of the Purple Sage”, continue to captivate readers even today.
  4. Cormac McCarthy: Renowned for his raw and gripping tales of the West like “Blood Meridian” and “No Country for Old Men”, McCarthy’s work is a masterclass in storytelling.
  5. Elmore Leonard: Leonard’s Western novels and stories are acclaimed for their sharp dialogue, vivid characters, and punchy plots.
  6. Charles Portis: Best known for “True Grit”, Portis’s Westerns are celebrated for their humor, distinct narrative voice, and engaging storylines.
  7. Tony Hillerman: Hillerman’s mystery novels set in the Southwest highlight Native American culture and have won numerous awards for their intricate plots and cultural authenticity.
  8. Willa Cather: Cather’s novels, like “My Ántonia” and “O Pioneers!”, bring to life the experience of the American frontier through the eyes of its settlers.
  9. Oakley Hall: Hall’s Westerns, such as the “Legends West Trilogy”, are critically acclaimed for their historical accuracy, complex characters, and literary depth.
  10. Wallace Stegner: A historian and novelist, Stegner’s work offers a profound exploration of the West, earning him the nickname, “The Dean of Western Writers”.

(The list continues until 30 or more authors.)

Each of these authors has contributed immensely to the Western fiction genre, not just in terms of the popularity of their works but also in terms of their influence on the genre. Whether you’re a longtime fan of Western fiction or a newcomer to the genre, these authors offer a wide range of narratives to explore and enjoy.

  1. Stephen King: While famous for horror, King’s “The Dark Tower” series blends Westerns with fantasy, proving his versatility and creativity.
  2. Ron Hansen: Hansen’s Western novels, like “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford”, are known for their deep character studies and meticulous research.
  3. Edward Abbey: Abbey’s environmental-themed Westerns, such as “Desert Solitaire”, are appreciated for their evocative descriptions of the Southwestern landscapes.
  4. James Carlos Blake: Known for his gritty portrayal of the Mexican borderlands, Blake’s works such as “In the Rogue Blood” offer a unique perspective on Western fiction.
  5. Paulette Jiles: Jiles’s historical novels, like the National Book Award finalist “News of the World”, paint a vivid picture of post-Civil War Texas.
  6. Craig Johnson: Johnson’s “Longmire” series, a modern Western mystery set in Wyoming, is a popular favorite with its charismatic sheriff protagonist.
  7. Thomas Berger: Berger’s novel “Little Big Man” is praised for its satirical take on Western myths and conventions.
  8. C.J. Box: Box’s “Joe Pickett” series mixes elements of mystery and Western genres, set in the contemporary rural Wyoming.
  9. William W. Johnstone: A prolific writer, Johnstone has penned numerous action-packed Western series including the “Mountain Man” and “Eagles” series.
  10. Philipp Meyer: Meyer’s epic Western novel, “The Son”, is celebrated for its multigenerational narrative spanning 150 years of Texan history.
  11. Elmer Kelton: Named by the Western Writers of America as the ‘Greatest Western Writer of All Time’, Kelton’s works are respected for their realistic depiction of ranch life.
  12. Marilynne Robinson: While not traditionally a Western writer, Robinson’s “Gilead” series captures the spirit of life in the rural Midwest, echoing themes often found in Western literature.
  13. James Lee Burke: Burke’s “Billy Bob Holland” and “Hackberry Holland” series blend elements of crime, mystery, and Western genres, offering intricate plots set in Texas and Montana.
  14. Margaret Coel: Coel’s “Wind River” series, set amongst the Arapaho on the Wind River Reservation, provides a fresh take on Western crime fiction.
  15. Ralph Compton: A stalwart of the Western genre, Compton is known for his traditional cowboy narratives like the “Trail Drive” series.
  16. Loren D. Estleman: Estleman’s series featuring Page Murdock, a U.S. Marshal in the 1880s, is praised for its historical detail and atmospheric storytelling.
  17. S.C. Gwynne: Gwynne’s “Empire of the Summer Moon” offers an in-depth look at the Comanche nation, blending history and Western narrative.
  18. J.A. Johnstone: Following in the footsteps of William W. Johnstone, J.A. continues the legacy of action-packed Western series, including “Flintlock” and “The Last Gunfighter”.
  19. Max McCoy: McCoy’s “Ophelia Wylde” series stands out for its blend of Western and paranormal elements, offering a unique twist to the genre.
  20. Mary Doria Russell: Russell’s novel “Doc”, a reimagining of the life of Doc Holliday, is appreciated for its detailed research and compelling storytelling.

This diverse selection of writers, each with their own unique voice and style, represents the extensive landscape of Western fiction. Their stories—rich in detail, compelling in narrative, and diverse in theme—serve as excellent starting points for readers new to the genre and seasoned fans alike.

Western Fiction Books for Beginners

Stepping into the world of Western fiction can be a daunting task given the genre’s vast scope and diversity. For beginners, it’s recommended to start with classics that have helped shape the genre. These books provide a solid foundation and give an understanding of the essential themes, archetypes, and settings of Western fiction. They are universally acclaimed, highly accessible, and encapsulate the spirit of the Western genre.

List of Suggested Books for Beginners

  1. “Riders of the Purple Sage” by Zane Grey
  2. “Lonesome Dove” by Larry McMurtry
  3. “True Grit” by Charles Portis
  4. “Blood Meridian” by Cormac McCarthy
  5. “The Virginian” by Owen Wister
  6. “The Big Sky” by A. B. Guthrie Jr.
  7. “The Shootist” by Glendon Swarthout
  8. “Shane” by Jack Schaefer
  9. “The Searchers” by Alan Le May
  10. “The Time It Never Rained” by Elmer Kelton
    (And the list continues…)

Events and Gatherings for Western Fiction Enthusiasts

For those passionate about Western fiction, joining events and gatherings could be a great way to meet like-minded individuals, share thoughts, and discover new authors. Here is a list of some notable gatherings:

  1. Western Writers of America Convention (
  2. National Cowboy Poetry Gathering (
  3. Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival (
  4. Tucson Festival of Books – Western genre (
  5. The High Chaparral Reunion (

Closing Thoughts

Western fiction provides a unique window into a dynamic period of American history, reflecting our shared human experiences of resilience, morality, and the quest for justice. Whether you’re drawn to tales of gritty outlaws, resilient pioneers, or the untamed beauty of the frontier, the Western genre has something for everyone.

As you immerse yourself in these stories, consider what themes and characters resonate with you. Perhaps you might be inspired to pick up the pen yourself and add your voice to the rich tapestry of Western fiction.

After all, every new perspective adds depth and dimension to the genre.

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